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Study: The shape of your lips may indicate better sex


Here's a study that will have you examining a part of your body you probably didn't even know existed — the tubercle. It's the little, puffy spot in the middle of your upper lip. According to a paper published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the hottest scientific publication around, women with more prominent tubercles have a greater chance of having vaginal orgasms (as opposed to clitoral orgasms) from penile-vaginal intercourse.

But before you go running to the mirror to inspect the subtleties of your mouth, you should know these findings are a little suspect. First off, some scientists doubt there's even a difference between vaginal and clitoral orgasms. Also, only 258 women took part in the study, which is a pretty small sample size. And to make matters even more subjective, the women themselves, not scientists, judged the size of their tubercles. Plus there's the old "correlation does not equal causation" clause, so, yeah, that. In other words, there are probably more effective ways of figuring out your likelihood of having vaginal orgasms... like actually having sex.

Commentarium (17 Comments)

Jun 26 11 - 10:16pm

It's me again, off on another rant about Hooksexup's dodgy journalism. "two-hundred-and fifty-eight"? Really? Did you forget to review your English class notes from SIXTH FUCKING GRADE? The proper way to write that number is "Two hundred fifty-eight". I'd tell you to get it right next time, but I've already wasted enough breath for one day.

Jun 26 11 - 10:36pm

It's a good point but I like the preachy "correlation does not equal causation" bit. Substituting correlation with causation is the hallmark of Hooksexup.

Jun 26 11 - 10:58pm
Buck Nasty

Get a life you silly bitch.

Jun 27 11 - 2:43am

Even more suspect is the fact that correlation not equaling causation is a non sequitur. The study doesn't claim that your lips cause your orgasms to differ (I refuse to make a joke here), it claims a correlation.

Jun 26 11 - 11:09pm

You know I've actually seen Hooksexup do this a couple times: saying outright that vaginal orgasms from a penis indicate "better sex" than clitoral orgasms. The idea that women who can't or don't have orgasms without primarily clitoral stimulation are somehow having worse sex is what's suspect here. That's a lot of sexist if-you-can't-just-come-from-my-cock-you're-broken bullshit and I really wish you guys would stop doing it, considering the vast majority of women need some clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. I realize the article you're summarizing made the same erroneous equivalency, but that's no excuse. Hooksexup should know better.
"The shape of your lips may indicate what kind of orgasm you have." There, was that so hard?

Jun 26 11 - 11:20pm

Let me amend myself a little. I am really tired of that trope, but I understand you're quoting that article. The article is fucked up for making that equivalency and it would be nice to see Hooksexup acknowledge it, since that sexist root in the study ALSO makes it suspect.
I am really just pissed about that trope (I work in sex-positive activism). Sorry, Hooksexup, I jumped the gun a bit.

Jun 27 11 - 12:26am

"The idea that women who can't or don't have orgasms without primarily clitoral stimulation are somehow having worse sex is what's suspect here. That's a lot of sexist if-you-can't-just-come-from-my-cock-you're-broken bullshit."

If I had the money, I would print this on leaflets and hand them out on the subway. So, so fucking true.

Jun 27 11 - 2:47am

Indeed, so true. Someone needs to tell this to the author of this piece, Jessica. It really hurts her feelings when she needs more than a cock to make her lovers orgasm, but she just much learn the truth.

Also, the article does not specify which type of orgasm is better. bp - you came up with that one on your own.

Jun 27 11 - 12:34pm

@bp: Agreed.

Jun 27 11 - 12:28am

It's nice to see Hooksexup include the possible flaws in a study for once, instead of just regurgitating the thesis like uncovered tablets of scripture.

Jun 27 11 - 4:27am

There's definitely a difference between vaginal and clitoral orgasms insofar as they feel like they're coming from different areas, they feel different, and you must stimulate those areas to have them, but there's definitely something connecting them all (same brain state perhaps). This is why blended orgasms are so magnificent.

Jun 28 11 - 3:55pm

All orgasms are great, and it doesn't really matter from where they originate.

Jul 01 11 - 10:30am

"probably more effective ways of figuring out your likelihood of having vaginal orgasms... like actually having sex."

True. Though I think we do a world of disservice to women by trying to categorize orgasms based upon areas that must be stimulated in order to achieve them and where they're felt when they do happen.

Jul 02 11 - 8:51pm

Why even write a column about a study that's so obviously flawed [even pointed out by the author]?

Also, maybe I'll help out this study and say I have a pretty average sized tubercle and manage to have pretty good orgasms from internal stimulation, but they're a hell of a lot better with some outer stimulation. I also think this has nothing to do with the size of my lips. It has to do with a simple something called SEXUAL CHEMISTRY.

Jul 26 11 - 7:55pm

Humm....sounds Yummy..

Aug 15 11 - 10:01pm
Doug Brian

so girl can turned on wen you punch them in the face SWEET

Aug 30 11 - 5:31am

I didn't know where to find this info then koaobm it was here.

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