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Breaking Dawn is now triggering seizures

pregnant bella

Breaking Dawn: Part One has reportedly induced at least two seizures since its opening last weekend, and it isn't due to the wondrously bland acting, astonishing baby name choice of Renesme, or kinda blatant domestic abuse. Nope, it's all thanks to that DIY c-section scene.

The first incident happened in Roseville, California. Brandon Gephart was watching the movie with his girlfriend Kelly Bauman when the seizure attack began. He blacked out during the incident, but Bauman said he was "convulsing, snorting, trying to breathe" on the theater floor. Similarly, an anonymous Utah man started shaking and mumbling during the scene; though his wife confirmed the episode, he doesn't remember it, either.

Highly scientific reports on "internet movie sites" are bringing to light even more cases, so it sounds like, as a matter of public safety, you should probably skip this movie. I know, I know. It has that adorable romance between a teen werewolf and an infant. But seriously, think of your health.


Tags Twilight

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Nov 25 11 - 10:40pm

I had a seizure in my pants when I watched this movie. Team Jacob!!

Nov 25 11 - 11:15pm

I broke wind when I saw it. Does that count?

Nov 26 11 - 11:02am

was that in a mountain ?

Nov 26 11 - 2:46am

Definitely could see how that would happen in that particular scene. When it was happening, I was thinking, "glad I'm not epileptic" but not seriously thinking that someone could get a seizure from this. I just got indigestion.

Nov 29 11 - 2:49pm

Let's just not get carried away with this one.

"There was an element of mass hysteria to the Pokémon panic, in that only several hundred (out of over 10,000 kids who eventually sought treatment) actually had seizures associated with PSE."

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