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Harmony Korine.

I understand that not everyone can endure a full-length movie from oddball director Harmony Korine. That's fine, you're a busy person. But Netflix isn't a person at all (you hear that, Supreme Court?), so it's unfortunate that its subscribers will be punished because of the company's distaste for Korine's latest film, Trash Humpers.

According to a Drag City press release:

All [of Korine's previous films] feature more full-frontal nudity, on-screen sex, violence, rape and/or murder than is featured in Trash Humpers. Some of them are in as “poor taste” as Trash Humpers. Or at least they wish they were!

Yet Netflix has deemed the content of Trash Humpers to be too inappropriate for their subscribers to make it available to them.

Lame. If this makes you even more intrigued by the movie, you can watch the trailer below and get the DVD through Drag City's site.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Oct 22 10 - 1:17pm

WTF? You can get that total festival of dreck, "Caligula" right there on your instant viewer from Netflix, but not that movie? Seems a bit silly.
OTOH, perhaps like me they are convinced Harmony Korine is only ever heard of because he has a weird name.

Oct 26 10 - 2:27am

There are far more important films that are not available on netflix...I.E. Lili, The Grace Lee Project...etc etc. Honestly, it's the movie "business" and frankly...this shit doesn't sell.

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