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So the news has just broke that Hollywood whipping boy Mel Gibson will improbably be teaming up with grizzled, leathery, flame-out screenwriter Joe Eszterhas on a film project detailing the story of legendary Jewish warrior-hero, Judah Maccabee. Maccabee, along with his father and four brothers, led the Jewish revolt against the Greek-Syrian armies in the second century B.C., taking back Jerusalem and reconsecrating the Holy Temple, a victory commemorated by Hannukah each year.

You might remember Eszterhas as the screenwriter for erotic pulp like Basic Instinct and Showgirls, which can be boiled down to Sharon Stone crossing her legs, and the tall chick from Saved by the Bell pole-dancing. It's an interesting double-comeback (if you pretend The Beaver didn't happen), and Gibson will be producing, co-writing, and possibly directing and acting in the film. I can't see the fifty-five-year-old Gibson as another William Wallace-type though, so maybe he'll take on the role of Judah's priest father, Mattathias.

Prominent Jewish leaders aren't happy about the prospect of Gibson — who's on record as saying "Fucking Jews... Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world" — tackling the heroic exploits of the religious icon. Said Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League:

"Judah Maccabee deserves better. He is a hero of the Jewish people and a universal hero in the struggle for religious liberty. It would be a travesty to have his story told by one who has no respect and sensitivity for other people's religious views."

And Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center thinks Gibson hasn't been sufficiently repentant for his anti-Semitic comments in the past. Pulling no punches, Hier said of Gibson:

"He's had a long history of antagonism with Jews. Casting him as a director or perhaps as the star of Judah Maccabee is like casting Madoff to be the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or a white supremacist as trying to portray Martin Luther King, Jr. It's simply an insult to Jews."

Hier also criticized Warner Brothers for distributing the movie, hinting at a possible Jewish boycott. 

So what do you think? Is there too much of a fox-in-the-henhouse aspect to this, or should Gibson be forgiven and allowed to move on?

Tags Mel Gibson

Commentarium (16 Comments)

Sep 09 11 - 9:07am

"respect and sensitivity" == ability to suck up to a group's idealistic view of themselves

Dec 01 11 - 9:52pm
Sarah S

Well said!

Sep 09 11 - 9:51am
Wait Five Minutes

Maybe folks could just ignore this. They didn't ignore "Passion of the Christ" and merely succeeded in helping it make a gazillion dollars.

Sep 09 11 - 9:57am
G Unit

If only Hollywood had some Jewish filmmakers in it, this might never have happened. Maybe he is trying to make amends and few bucks in the process. Let the picture speak for itself.

Sep 09 11 - 10:13am

"Judah's priest"

When they revolted, were the Jews breakin' the law? Did they tell the Greek-Syrian armies, "You got another thing coming."?

Sep 09 11 - 11:06am

Of course they're hell bent for Tefillin.

Sep 09 11 - 11:22am

" casting Madoff to be the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission..."

How ironic. Madoff was never in charge of the SEC, but he was the treasurer of Yeshiva University and chairman of its business school.

Sep 09 11 - 1:54pm

Uh, that's not 'ironic.' He was a con man. The whole gambit is convincing people that you're a respectable business person. That was before his facade came undone. The point is, it would be like casting him as the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission /now/.

Sep 09 11 - 11:31am

How is it that Gibson is given support with this project?! It's a cheap ploy to try to convince the public that he's not an anti-semite. He obviously can't live without fame and will do anything to get it back, including pissing off an entire religion.

Sep 09 11 - 2:58pm

People make mistakes.

Gibson should not be damned for what he said.

Even Robert Downey Jr. who is part Jewish doesn't think Mel Gibson is anti-semetic.

Regardless, people deserve second chances in life.

Sep 09 11 - 6:19pm

Fuck them. Mel Gibson is a mean drunk, and when your mind is a mess like an alchoholics or a junkies, you'll say dumb shit you normaly would'nt. I'm not condoning his anti-semitic remarks by any means, but it sounds like he's trying to make a movie portraying jews in a good light, not a negative one. Now if it comes out and he makes the jews look like week cowards that all talk like Woody Allen and Barbara Strisand, well then I'll eat my words, and I'll jump on the I hate Mel Gibson bandwagon.

Sep 09 11 - 11:29pm
Lyten Yup

The Jews really need to lighten up. They think the world is out to get them or something.

Sep 10 11 - 3:41am

Why is it that everybody these days gets all revved up about stuff.

Colour, race, religion, sexual orientation......aaaagghh !!!

Take a deep breath and mellow, everyone .

Its only Sticks and stones....

Let's get on with our lives and let the shit just roll off. Take crap like this in our stride, it's not worth worrying our heads about.

Sep 11 11 - 3:35am
Charlie Smith

I'm sorry. After "Apocolypto" they let him near a freaking sound stage? Jeebus, have they no shame?

Dec 01 11 - 9:51pm
Sarah S

Making themselves look like a bunch of self centered cry babies. A real turn off.

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