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Kate Winslet on V magazine

When she's not busy saving billionaire's mothers from house fires, Kate Winslet is busy raising awesome kids. Check out this anecdote Winslet recently shared with V magazine about her seven-year-old son, Joe:

"I like the diversity that my children are exposed to every day. I love the way their brains work. Joe turns to me the other day and says 'One day I will have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, darling. Which would you prefer?' And I said 'My Love, that would be entirely up to you, and it doesn't make any difference to me.' But that he knows! It's a real privilege. Talk about the best education."

Aww, he calls his mom "darling!" How adorable (and British) is that? You've got to love the tolerance and acceptance (and elegance) Kate's instilling in her kids. I don't have children, but if I ever do, can Kate raise them? Also, how about the stylish Elizabeth Taylor-esque photo shoot with the actress in the same issue? Stunning.

Commentarium (25 Comments)

Sep 09 11 - 1:31pm

That is flippin' adorable!

Sep 09 11 - 2:16pm
Sounds like

Sounds like this kid is a weirdo.

Sep 09 11 - 2:49pm

sounds like you're a bit of a righteous cunt darling!

Sep 09 11 - 4:52pm

pretty much all kids are weirdos & usually the more interesting adults are too

Mar 31 12 - 4:43pm

If God made him a boy, his is a boy!

Sep 09 11 - 2:41pm

Oh Hooksexup moderators! Come on, open your minds a little, will you?

Sep 09 11 - 3:55pm

Oh, so what, it's a choice?!?!?!?!?!

Sep 09 11 - 4:26pm

The world needs more Kates.

Sep 09 11 - 5:21pm

If he's born that way, why doesn't she just tell him?

Sep 13 11 - 2:19am

oh you

Sep 09 11 - 5:24pm
Wait Five Minutes

He calls his mother "darling?"

Sep 09 11 - 6:03pm
Pick of the Week

He calls his mother darling; this one is a lock: gay.

Sep 09 11 - 8:25pm

I thought the same.

Sep 10 11 - 2:51am

They're Brits, though.

Sep 11 11 - 12:50am

I thought "Buster Bluth"

Sep 09 11 - 11:34pm

Pretty sure I knew I was straight when I was 6. And I didn't even know what the word "masturbation" meant until high school.

Sep 10 11 - 4:40am

same for me, but i was 4 gay and didn't know there was a word for it or know that i would be ostracized about it in the future.

Sep 10 11 - 4:41am

imma be a deb like that

Sep 10 11 - 2:59pm

Not all Brits call their mothers "darling" Only the "darlings" of the silly, pretentious and vacuous acting world, who lead silly, vacuous lives.

Sep 11 11 - 9:32pm

Wasn't aware that any Brits called their mother's darling (not even Dirk Bogarde). A peculiarly British affectation of a certain set is to use the infantile 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' pronouns into adulthood. As you say, the kid has probably picked up the 'Darling' endearment from ironic use of it by his mother when conversing with other theatrical types.

Sep 13 11 - 4:19am

I'm a Brit, living in London, and I dont know a soul who calls their parents "Mummy" "Daddy" (past the age of 10 anyway... unless it's a richard curtis movie) or "Darling" (ever). Then again, I try not to hang out with yuppies.

Sep 11 11 - 10:24pm
3rd Generation

She must not want grandchildren all that badly.

Sep 12 11 - 4:42am

why wouldn't she have grankids?

Sep 12 11 - 9:46am
Chloe Mace

Yeah, everyone should sacrifice the happiness of their child just for the proliferation of their bloodline...i mean YEAH BE GAY, KEWL, but who's gonna call me meema or nonna, huh?! Who is going to eat the cookies I bake come old age? It's so unfortunate that there isn't entire system filled with children looking for a loving home..or, like, women who are willing carry other people's babies..or even a whole science of reproduction...UGH.

Sep 12 11 - 1:23am

Don't worry Kate and all, this kid isn't going to up normal by any standards if only because he will have actor parents with plenty of disposable wealth. The gay part is just a cherry on top.

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