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Lou Reed

It's finally arrived. The Darren Aronofsky-directed Lou Reed and Metallica music video that no one asked for. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "The View."

Aronofsky doesn't go quite as grandiose as you might expect here, but he does try his damndest to make a truly awful song seem artsy. Basically the entire three minutes and forty-five seconds consist of black-and-white photography of Loutallica performing their assault on the ears — I mean, "single" — with lots of ghost images. The effort is "filmic noir" and "possibly the best video ever made," if you take Reed's word for it. (Please don't.)

I suppose the video itself isn't all that bad. If it were for a better song, it might even be interesting and enjoyable. But just as you can't put lipstick on a pig, you can't put a gritty, poetic spin on a horribly ill-advised vanity project.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Dec 05 11 - 6:33pm

Oh my is this song truly awful. Darren Aronofsky is one of my favorite directors, but it seems here that this video was shot as a standard band playing session, and anything that required creativity was done in post with the editing. Even though it wouldn't make the song any better, it might make more sense to have footage of different dictators cut together giving propaganda-filled speeches?

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