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Hanson is launching a brand of beer called 'Mmmhop'


Because it is in every way their duty as both entertainers and Americans, Hanson has announced that they will be launching their own line of beer, which will be called — wait for it — 'Mmmhop.' 

"It's vital our fans trust in everything Hanson do," said Zac at an event earlier this week. "We are soon going to be selling our own beer. I'm not joking — Mmmhop IPA, anyone?" The India Pale Ale, obviously named after the 1997 song (and still biggest claim to fame) "Mmmbop," is expected to be out early next year.

It's weird to think of a group of guys everyone still thinks of as middle schoolers peddling their own line of beer, but whatever. As long as this leads to a larger trend of boy bands of yore releasing their own lines of booze, I'm on board. LFO, I eagerly await your line of off-brand FourLoko.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 30 11 - 7:01pm

Hanson always seemed to be in it for the glorious fun of it, so this seems completely in character for them. And, it'll probably taste OK, too.

Nov 30 11 - 9:06pm

they always seemed authentically goofy

Dec 01 11 - 3:32am

This will be followed by a line of soda for the under-21 crowd: "Mmmpop"

Dec 01 11 - 7:33am

Love IPAs. I'm in.

Dec 01 11 - 11:44am

I will drink this. (FACT: A young JBR once had a book -- you read that right -- about Hanson. Somehow, I still had to actually tell everyone I was gay later on.)

Dec 01 11 - 1:39pm
Virginia Smith

Let's go in on a case

Dec 01 11 - 12:08pm

I'm still intrigued (from my high school years), they're all boys, right?

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