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Jack White and Karen Elson divorce, throw a party

Jack White and Karen Elson

A talented, musical weirdo and sexy, British model are now, once again, on the market. Jack White and Karen Elson, everybody's favorite ghostly pale couple are calling it quits after six years of marriage. And it just might be the mutual-est separation of all time. They're even celebrating it with a good, old-fashioned divorce bash. According to a statement from the couple:

"We remain dear and trusted friends and co-parents to our wonderful children Scarlett and Henry Lee. We feel so fortunate for the time we have shared and the time we will continue to spend both separately and together watching our children grow. In honor of that time shared, we are throwing a divorce party. An evening together in Nashville to re-affirm our friendship and celebrate the past and future with close friends and family."

Aw, that's the spirit, guys. Here's to friendship, co-parenting and epically festive marital goodbyes! Here's a look at the actual invitation:

Jack White and Karen Elson's divorce party invitation

Commentarium (10 Comments)

Jun 12 11 - 11:55pm

I think that this is super classy and pretty amazing. Wtg, you guys.

Jun 14 11 - 12:42am

I agree, super classy.

Jun 13 11 - 12:00am
Chim Rickles

Jack White looks very, very strange in a tuxedo. Then again, I guess he looks strange in most everything he wears.

Jun 13 11 - 12:18am

Now that's how it's done. All the other classless schmo's who insist on getting married need to keep this in mind.

Jun 13 11 - 12:24am

Do all the guests get goodie bags worth the amount of the wedding gifts they gave?

Jun 13 11 - 2:25pm

Guess I'm discovering that I'm a little old fashioned, but something just rubs me the wrong way about this idea. I'm not saying that a divorce needs to be accompanied by screaming, broken china, and crying in a fetal position; but this just smacks of "I'm famous and therefor above all the turmoil that comes packaged with a mere mortal's divorce." I guess I just feel like hollywood marriages too often trivialize the whole concept of marriage. When shit gets tough, invite your friends for a divorce party. Then again, I'm not even sure why I care. They're not my friends, I don't know the whole story, and Jack White will never put out anything as good as White Blood I don't really give a shit.

Jun 14 11 - 11:13am

I was having the same creeping sorts of feelings, @dave1976, but was hesitant to expose my crackled, cynic's heart here. It seems less like "we're getting a divorce and we want everyone to know that everything is going to be all right" and more like "LOOK AT US SOME MORE!!"

Jun 15 11 - 9:26pm

if they wanted to have everyone look at them some more it probably would have been televised and they would sell tickets at exorbitant prices for a "final show" of sorts, but this is a private thing with family and friends.

I can understand why someone would be upset, particularly if they had been through a divorce or their parents or someone they knew have and it wasn't the most pleasant experience. And, maybe it is a little brash, but I think it is cool that they are splitting it up in an honest and fun way than in lawsuits and pain. It is not unreasonable for some ex-married couples to remain friends after splitting up, though it might not be common. I just see it more as them giving thanks to the time they've spent together.

Jun 20 11 - 2:23am

Pretty awesome. Can I have Karen Elson delivered directly to my bed now please and thank you?

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