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Although Katy Perry's transition from gospel-singing good girl to Lifesavers-breasted pop siren is well-documented, Perry's dad, evangelical preacher Keith Hudson, is not a big fan of her raunchy, onstage persona — or, for that matter, of the Jewish people. While taking a break from a rant about his daughter's career and finances, Hudson engaged in the timeless tradition of Jew-bashing during a recent sermon, telling his congregation that Jews in Los Angeles are "so rich it smells." 

"You know to make the Jews jealous? Have some money, honey," Hudson told hundreds of worshippers at Church on the Rise in Westlake, Ohio. "You go to L.A. and you own all the Rolex and diamond places. Walk down a part of L.A. where we live and it is so rich it smells. You ever smell rich? They are all Jews, hallelujah. Amen." 

Hudson also discussed the decidedly non-evangelical values expressed in her music. "People ask, 'How is it that you have a daughter raised in the church and she sang, 'I kissed a girl and I liked it?'" he said. "I say, 'I don't know.'"

The congregation later passed around a collection for Hudson and his wife Mary, after Hudson told them, "We live by the Gospel, not off anyone else, even though you may say, 'You are the parents of Katy Perry, you must be rich.' No, she is, I am not, hallelujah." The couple also alluded to Perry's divorce from Brand, with Mary telling worshippers, "I'm sure Katy is trending on the Internet just to get you into church tonight" during her ninety-minute sermon.

I've got to say, I've never been a huge Katy Perry fan, but assuming she doesn't share her parents' beliefs — and she has publicly stated many times that she does not — it's hard not to kind of respect her for flagrantly stomping on their values. Marrying and divorcing a former heroin addict and dressing like your stylist is a slutty Oompa-Loompa is about as far from an evangelical Christian upbringing as you can get, so Katy, honey, after you get over your divorce, I hope your next step is to rip your bigoted, money-grubbing dad a new one by releasing an album of klezmer covers and rebounding with Larry David. 

Commentarium (11 Comments)

Jan 07 12 - 10:58pm

It's not that outrageous. I mean, they are good, savvy business people.

Jan 07 12 - 11:34pm

It's not the letter so much as the spirit of the sermon. Even if what Hudson's saying were factually correct (and considering not all Jews are inherently stingy or money-obsessed or even rich, that's a big assumption to make), it's the resentment and disgust in his tone that makes it anti-Semitic.

Jan 08 12 - 4:05pm

Yes, some of "them" are. Of course, Jesus was Jewish so I guess he, too, smelled and was a good business man? Not in this universe, bigots.

Jan 09 12 - 9:10am

Halleluyah, amen, brother.

Jan 09 12 - 9:12am

The Jewish community in los angeles can go f*ck themselves. They were the rudest bunch of assholes I have ever met in my entire life. Especially the orthodox jews. I'm not racist by any means. But if there was one religion that people follow and were just stuck up and disrespectful to others it would be the jews. And ya can't keep pulling the holocaust card cuz it's HISTORY not present tense. I totally agree with his sermons and I hate organized religion. It's very true though. The Jewish sect run hollywood as well. Could you imagine if the american dollar went to be worth nothing. The jews would be freaking out because they'd be completely broke.

Jan 09 12 - 2:01pm

"I'm not racist by any means" BUT you are! Look what you just wrote genius! The holocaust isn't ancient history like the end of the Roman Empire, it happened quite recently. Ignorant asshole.

Jan 07 12 - 11:30pm

Seriously, people don't give Katy Perry enough credit for not being another one of these evangelical lunatics. It's not easy breaking out of such a toxic and oppressive environment, as evidenced by any self-perpetuating redneck dynasty in the South. She may not be an intellectual or a 'serious' artist, but at least she broke away and defined herself in opposition to everything these people stand for. That's enough for me.

Jan 08 12 - 2:10pm

Exactly. Her parents, particularly her dad, sound reprehensible. Also, one could argue that in addition to hating Jews, her dad hates her. Perry is one of the few artists to profit handsomely from record sales in the Internet age, plus there's the enormous amount she makes from touring and merchandising. If her dad hates the Jews for being rich--and let's face it, that's just his excuse for hating Jews--by his own yardstick, he also hates his daughter.

Jan 09 12 - 9:11am
John Son

This is all good and well, but how does this excuse her shitty music?

Jan 09 12 - 11:07am

It...doesn't? Her music doesn't enter the equation here. We're just saying we're glad she isn't a mouthpiece for her bigoted and hateful father. Which she could easily have been, considering he appears to have spared no expense in brainwashing her from an early age. Artistry is a separate subject. Accuse her of whatever you want and I probably won't argue, but at least you can't call her a public anti-Semite.

Jan 09 12 - 6:43pm

LUCIFER.... You really don't know what you are talking about! You say you are not a RACIST boy you could have fooled me with your venom spitting tirade. And by the way, do yourself a favor and pick up a history book or two on the Holocaust and educate yourself a little! You couldnt even BEGIN to imagine what the holocaust was like for these people !!! And if your wondering am I Jewish , no I am not in fact I am sad that you feel such a need to be so aggressive . There is good and bad in All people not just one group of people. The Jewish people have survived and continue to survive because ONE thing only - Gods grace not because if their wealth or their status in the world. Don't be a hater ... Try and see the beauty in every person

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