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Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up. Michaele Salahi, whose husband Tareq reported her kidnapped recently, has been "found" in Memphis with Journey guitarist Neal Schon.

"Nobody kidnapped her, and they are in Memphis together," a Journey rep told TMZ.

Apparently, Schon and Michaele have quite the thing going —  TMZ maintains that the two have dated in the past, and Journey has played at Salahi-run polo matches (Side Note: Polo matches with Journey as the soundtrack are surely the Whitest Thing Ever).

Another news outlet reported that Virginia's Warren County Sheriff's Office had spoken to Michaele and found that she was "fine" but "did not want to be home right now," and did not want her husband to know where she was.

I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of feel sorry for Tareq: being cuckolded by the guy from Journey  that isn't Steve Perry or Filipino Steve Perry is a new level of embarrassing, especially when the whole thing takes place in an obnoxiously public venue like the internet. Then again, you reap what you sow, you famewhoring ass.

Of course, I'd probably run off with the guy that wrote "Wheel in the Sky," given the chance.

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Sep 16 11 - 9:31am

It's Neal, not Neil.

Sep 16 11 - 11:05am

Fixed! I would say that Alex is going to severely punished -- but the shame that he'll suffer for his embarrassing lack of Journey knowledge will be punishment enough.

Sep 16 11 - 9:48am

You sure it's not Kneel?

Sep 16 11 - 11:26am

Doesn't matter how you spell his name, Journey are still boring.

Sep 16 11 - 11:54am

man.... there is some hating on guitar players..... In reality Journey is his band.... he founded the band and the only guy who has been in the band the whole time

Sep 16 11 - 1:25pm

Who blames her? I would run away with any member of Journey over that Jaba she's married to.

Sep 23 11 - 9:15am

Ohhh... is he a job creator I keep hearing about?

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