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If you watched him wrap his naked body in the American flag and scream through a megaphone at Stone Temple Pilots shows through the '90s, seeing the phrase "Scott Weiland's 'Winter Wonderland'" might seem like an elaborate joke, the kind of thing that someone cooked up just to fuck with you.

But you'd be wrong! Apparently Scott Weiland has left his hunger-dunger-dang past behind him and embraced his inner Bing Crosby. Half of me expects this to be some kind of elaborate, Andy Kaufman-esque prank, where Weiland suddenly breaks out the majestic bray that informed so much of STP's output. But it never happens! He croons through the whole fuckin' thing! And honestly, if it weren't for the fact that he looks so dead-eyed and bored that I half-expect him to keel over midway through the video, I would say that it looks like he's enjoying himself. 

Apparently singers are taking the Rod Stewart route ever-earlier these days and mining the Greatest Generation's pop hits whenever they run out of projects of their own. Velvet Revolver, we hardly knew ye.

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Nov 17 11 - 8:27pm
mr horse

Well sir... I liked it.

Nov 18 11 - 10:13am
Alex Heigl

Oh I never said I didn't like it -- I just think that if we hopped in the way-back machine to 1997, would any of us have been able to predict this?

Nov 17 11 - 8:36pm

I think it's great -- filled with dry humor and subtle mockery.

Nov 18 11 - 12:56am

It's not what my crystal ball would ever have predicted

Nov 18 11 - 1:03am

Scott Weiland is still alive?

Nov 18 11 - 4:42am

It was cheeky. I kind of liked it. But I also have all of Bing Crosby's best hits sooo.. I guess I'm just happy to hear something that I can identify with.

Nov 18 11 - 11:47am

His eyebrows... they don't move!

Nov 18 11 - 12:16pm

Sweet mother of all that's holy ... what alternate stepford family universe did I wake in that Scott Weiland would produce that! And mind you I own a A Twisted Christmas ...

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