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Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich has slammed Mitt Romney's experience at Bain Capital as vulture capitalism, an unorthodox line of attack from a fellow preacher of economic deregulation. But Americans consider Newt's post-speakership lobbying more offensive than Mitt's business pillaging restructuring. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 54 percent expressed an unfavorable view of the former's consulting work (for the likes of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) while 40 percent disapproved of the latter's private equity work (for the love of the game).

Not that Americans love either of them. Only a quarter approve of Gingrich's past, and a third approve of Romney's, with the rest undecided. Democrats overwhelmingly disapprove of both, but — since this is primary season — the Republican numbers should have Gingrich especially worried: 39 percent of conservatives dislike his private-sector experience (an improvement of 15 points in the past week and a half) compared to 22 percent for Romney.

None of this matters, however, because Gingrich will have 100 percent approval when he is King of the Moon.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Jan 31 12 - 3:36pm
Beau D

I know it's getting into "Go Team" season but sometimes companies need to be restructured. We shouldn't denigrate something that needs to happen to save companies and 401ks. Acting like it's just as sleazy as a former Congressman lobbying in a semi-ethical manner is silly.

Jan 31 12 - 3:36pm
Beau D

I know it's getting into "Go Team" season but sometimes companies need to be restructured. We shouldn't denigrate something that needs to happen to save companies and 401ks. Acting like it's just as sleazy as a former Congressman lobbying in a semi-ethical manner is silly.

Jan 31 12 - 3:55pm
could umsinc

And both candidates' pasts are being exaggerated and distorted by the liberal media. (No, I'm not a Republitard and I'm not supporting or voting for either of them.)

Feb 01 12 - 11:18pm

And now being distorted by Hooksexup, although this won't reach many people.

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