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Ann Coulter

In Ann-Coulter-being-Ann-Coulter news of the day, the conservative mega-pundit has compared the loss of Andrew Breitbart to the loss of John Lennon, of all people. In an interview Coulter reminisced about the right-wing media kingpin's influence on conservatism, and it got a little weird:

"He did so much, I mean I can't say it's not a huge loss to the conservative movement. It's like John Lennon dying - what other music might he have produced? Though he did leave us with a lot of music and so did Andrew Breitbart. From the Drudge Report, and I actually think the Huffington Post is a lot of good for our side because we actually hear what lunatics have to say."

Well, yes. Other than the fact that they worked toward diametrically opposed goals, in completely different fields, and Lennon continues to be an internationally beloved figure while few have even seemed to muster perfunctory sympathy for Breitbart, this sounds about right. Did she somehow pick this idea up during her time as a Deadhead? Just a theory. 

Coulter continued, "He was the glue and made all of these connections, and the fighter and the inspiration to young right wingers." You know, just like John Lennon.

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Mar 06 12 - 11:38am

It's so fascinating to me how talking heads on the "right" insist on co-opting obviously left-leaning figures to suit their own metaphors, talking points, campaign music, etc. It's striking because I can't think of many examples on the other side of the fence, that is, someone like Rachel Maddow talking about how awesome ZZ Top are or something to that effect.

Mar 06 12 - 12:31pm

The last sentence of her paragraph doesn't actually make any sense

Mar 06 12 - 2:17pm

funny when I think of things I compare Ann Coulter to its usually a heartless cold bitch, words that end in "unt" etc... instead of musicians and other entertaining people that actually enhance society.

Mar 06 12 - 3:03pm

Just throwing this in the mix for extra flavour:

Mar 06 12 - 4:32pm
defiax others.

You guys are so fucking dense. She wasn't comparing him to Lennon at all, she was saying that along similar lines to the oft-asked question, "what kind of musuc would Lenon be making today if he were alive?" she's wondering what Breitbart still had left to produce had he not died so suddenly early. (or perhaps was murdered, if you believe in that sort of thing.)

I don't care about him or her, just saying thst you should understand the quote before you get your knickers in a knot over it.

Oh and Lennon was not a left-winger, he was simply anti-establishment (whatever the establishment happened to be at the moment).

Mar 06 12 - 5:34pm

I was also disappointed when reading the actual quote. Now I can't say that Breitbart's version of Woman is the ****** of the World is far too upbeat.

Mar 06 12 - 5:06pm
Rex Merritt

Ann got her Johns wrong. She meant John Belushi.

Mar 06 12 - 9:14pm

What happened to Breitbart anyway? I don't really think from his photos his early death can have been a surprise. In the one above he looks older than me, and I am 58 next week.

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