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Anonymous says they will shut down Fox News website

Internet hacker collective Anonymous have said "Tally-ho" and put Fox News on notice that the hunt is on. On November 5, the group will attempt to bring down the Fox News website, or, more likely, insert some digital graffiti somewhere.

Anonymous has been displeased with Fox's coverage of the Wall Street Occupation (singling out Sean Hannity in particular) and plan to carry out "Operation Fox Hunt" on Guy Fawkes Day, which memorializes the 1605 Gunpowder Plot against the House of Lords by a group of vendetta-obsessed English Catholics. (Guy Fawkes Day is like Christmas for Anonymous.)

Anonymous has issued one of their usual voice-disguised warning videos, carefully calibrated to convey a bloodless non-aggression, and perfumed with a spritz of condescension. The inherent arrogance of giving their intended targets advance notice of their attacks sets the group's internet terrorism apart from less organized hackers who attack without warning.

The international network that comprises Anonymous has witnessed numerous arrests in several countries, including three participants in Spain a few months ago; the perceived mistreatment of Wall Street Occupants is just the latest pretext for Anonymous to exercise their anarchic sensibilities.


Tags Anonymous

Commentarium (42 Comments)

Oct 24 11 - 12:44pm

hey I love anonymous and all but I don't know why they have to hold Guy Fawkes in such high regard. He wasn't freeing anyone, just swapping out a protestant figure head for a catholic one. And he fucking failed.

Oct 24 11 - 2:47pm

Hence the fact that the irony of them wearing the Guy Fawkes V For Vendetta Masks.

Oct 25 11 - 5:02pm

The joke is on me.

Oct 24 11 - 12:55pm

Fucking /b/tards. They already said they would crash Facebook November 6th--now they're going to hit Fox News too? I'll grant you this is probably the more plausible of the targets, but still.

Oct 24 11 - 2:48pm

Yeah, I thought, and was looking forward to, them shutting down facebook. I mean, doesn't fox news get enough shit?

Oct 24 11 - 3:44pm

"I mean, doesn't fox news get enough shit?"


Oct 25 11 - 3:54pm

Someone takes things too personally from the big ol bad media outlet.

Oct 25 11 - 4:03pm

you might too if you realized that a "news" channel was really just propaganda aimed at making Americans into "low information voters".

Nov 06 11 - 8:24am
B Hawk

Well its now the 6th and FOX news is still on the internet for the 5th and the 6th, guess these folks at Anonymous could not pull off the threat eh? Yes Fox news has shut down the comments section of the website for now but the web site is still up an running just dandy. Maybe the folks at anonymous need more schooling on the security features of web sites and servers, seems they have not quite gotten it down very well. Here is a hint, gang server convergence.

Oct 24 11 - 12:57pm

then old white people won't have a website to go to!

Oct 24 11 - 2:48pm

So you assume all fox news viewers are old and/or white?

Oct 24 11 - 3:03pm

Actually, the most obvious knowledge about FOX viewers is how universally misinformed they are: A University of Maryland study, “Misinformation and 2010 Elections” found Fox News viewers are much more likely than others to believe false information about American politics and major issues. Fox News viewers were "significantly more likely" to believe that:
--Most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely)
--Most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points)
--The economy is getting worse (26 points)
--Most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points)
--The stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points)
--Their own income taxes have gone up (14 points)
--The auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points)
--When TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points)
--And that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points)
In addition, the study said, increased viewership of Fox News led to increased belief in these false stories.

Oct 24 11 - 8:51pm

Yeah, except the CBO now says the healthcare law WILL worsen the deficit. And the deficit has become worse since the survey. I could go on but subsequent studies have shown Fox News viewers to be better informed than others.

All of which proves a simple point: A pollster worth a damn can create the results he/she is looking for. Any idea who underwrote the UMd poll.

Oct 24 11 - 10:39pm

Publius, I'd love for you to show me your "study" proving that FOX news viewers are "better informed than others". (who are the "others" one might ask?) Pretty me that shit, just for comedy's sake.

Oct 24 11 - 11:28pm

Publius is an idiot. Repealing the health care law would INCREASE the deficit. Which proves that Publius is a typical Fox viewer.

Oct 25 11 - 8:48am

@Uh - I assume you have google. Use it to get that "shit."

@notfromaroundhere - Not according the CBO. It's now +$85B over the next ten. Sorry but thanks for playing.

Oct 25 11 - 2:02pm
So then

Publius, you just completely made that pro-FOX study up. "Sorry but thanks for playing"!!

Oct 25 11 - 3:51pm

Well buckingfuts, if you're going to insult me, you could at least be original. I didn't even say what I said as a pro fox news statement, I could care less if you or anyone else doesn't like them. They're just another media outlet to me. I really don't see why everyone gets a hair across there ass over them and takes what they say or do so fuckin personally. I mean, the old addage if you don't like it, change it, doesn't seem to hold true as it used too.

Thing too is, you can whip out those statistics all you want, if people don't like something, they aren't going to like something. And while those may be/are facts, people can still disagree. I mean,it might rain out, but people don't have to like it.

Oct 25 11 - 3:55pm

Also, I didn't say anything about misinformation, which would lead me to question you even more that you pulled that up. I just wanted to point out the false assumption.

For all you know, I could be a 45 year old Black Man who loves fox news.

Oct 25 11 - 3:55pm

Also, those are all mostly opinions/suspicions you posted, not actual facts.

Oct 25 11 - 4:01pm
3 times is a charm

I guess you couldn't fit all those contradictions into one reply? Yes, the study is factual and accurately represents of FOX viewers. They are consistently misinformed and uninformed. Deal with it...

Oct 25 11 - 7:45pm

What is all of this more informed than thou stuff? Oh what? You can't handle that people question the climate change/global warming issue? How did I contradict myself?

You seem to be someone who can't handle those who have a different opinion or view than you. Really tolerant of you. Not.

Tell me, and I do believe he was born here, but, if it turned out Obama wasn't born here, then what? Who was that study compiled by anyways?

I have actually watched fox news, and msnbc,and cnn,and several others. I'll watch anyone of them cause that's my thing, media etc, and fox news, while yes, heavily conservatively biased, but msnbc and cnn are heavy liberally biased, just being fair here, they report the news like anyone else, and have debates/opinions like anyone else.

See, I just don't take all of this as personally as the rest of you seem to for some reaso or another.

Oct 25 11 - 10:32pm
Um yeah

So a blog isn't a published study and Politifact is a joke. No, John Stewart is not news, so it's another one of your faulty comparisons. I find it hilarious that you're defending a "news" channel that proves their journalist integrity by quoting factual statements as "Some people say....blah blah blah." Oh, and "Uh huh!"

Oct 26 11 - 7:11am

Like I say, it's all media, they're all biased, not one of them has a handle on the truth,and you need to find your own truth and ideas. Something that seems to be lost on alot of people these days, on both sides of the debate.

Oct 26 11 - 7:42am

Thanks, Um yeah, you reacted just as predicted.

The orginal poll wasn't a "published study" either. I find it hilarious that you disregard the Pulitzer Prize winning Politifact just because it disagrees with your worldview.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Oct 24 11 - 1:03pm

Can't say I'm disappointed.

Oct 24 11 - 2:29pm

LOVE Anonymous, HATE Fox News!! Wooo!!! :D

Nov 05 11 - 7:35pm
b hawk

Most deceived by Stoic-Sophism do love anonymous as well as Stoic-Sophist based denominations such as Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Darwinism, and Liberation Theology. Its sad to see young people so derailed by deception. I guess you won't figure it out until you wake up in a communist nation with a communist dictator.
You might want to check out the stage of Crisis in Soviet Subversion, because the communist government that follows usually eliminates the dissenters who brought the state of Crisis into being. Yuri Bezemenov can explain this for you, might want to look him up on Youtube.

Nov 06 11 - 8:30am
B Hawk

Well its now the 6th of November 2011 and Fox news worked fine all day yesterday and is working fine today, guess the boys at anonymous are not as good with scrambling servers and getting past security as they claimed to be. Just another unfilled claim by the Stoic-Sophists at anonymous. Looks like they need some more education as to server control and security. Or they may want to read up on convergence of roving servers. Fox was way ahead of them as they have been battling George Soros various groups for years now, who want to shut down Fox news (communists). Oh yea you might want to look in to the financing behind the group Anonymous, it appears to be ...... wait for it ....... George Soros.

Oct 24 11 - 5:36pm

This is going to be bad news for people like Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, and others who rely on Fox as an endless fountain of source material for their satire. Thankfully, Anonymous is not planning on shutting down the Fox News broadcasting network, otherwise a lot of these guys would have to pack up their comedy and go get regular jobs.

Oct 24 11 - 5:54pm

FOX does not have a monopoly on stupid. They are just best at spreading it.

Nov 06 11 - 8:33am
B Hawk

Looks like the pie is on the face of Anonymous in this case. They could not deliver. Fox news has been up and running for the past two days. Victory for Fox and who is the looser? Oh yea that would be the George Soros funded group, Anonymous. They get the Big "L " ... LOOSERS

Oct 24 11 - 6:28pm

It sounds like it's saying Operation Fox Cunt

Oct 25 11 - 9:25am

Looks like anonymous is taking aim at Hooksexup. What's up with odasher and rrierdoug?

Oct 25 11 - 9:44am
Alex Heigl

We get hundreds of spam comments daily and some of them slip through. We typically clean them up with the trolling comments. Scorched earth, baby.

Oct 26 11 - 10:28am

Maybe I'm just naive but what is the attraction of spamming not just Hooksexup but virtually every site? Does it some how relate to dollars? Do the nonsensical messges contain embedded XML or other data? Or is it just digital graffitti?

Oct 25 11 - 12:23pm

Typical of the left, anti-Free Speech.
If you don't like something, don't watch or read it libs.

Nov 05 11 - 7:39pm
b hawk

You are correct, the first thing the Communists go after is control of the media. This is leg one of the crisis mode, next is martial law and then communist rule by a dictator. I'm sure the communist who take control are going to treat these protestors as they always treat the useful idiots who bring a country to crisis, they will line them up against a wall and properly shoot them for all to see. You will know on that day that you are now communist and have no more civil rights. This is not a joke Americans, these folks are bent on instituting Communism before the end of 2012.

Nov 06 11 - 8:37am
B Hawk

Oh well its the 6th now and Fox News has been up and running for the past two days, looks like the Loosers at Anonymous were not able to carry off their threats after all. Fox is simply laughing at them, all those millions in George Soros money, and all those college professors and students in computer science could not bring down the mighty FOX news.... Maybe they aren't as brilliant as they claim to be eh? The day has passed and the score is FOX news = Winner and Anonymous = Looser

Oct 27 11 - 3:31am

@ publius - So I actually read that whole politifact writeup that you posted earlier. Actually kindof interesting. Read narrowly, your statement that studies have shown fox news viewers to be more well-informed than others is, of course, true. They sit right at the national average. The rub comes when the studies show further that they sit at the bottom of the pack for the portion of society that actually consumes news. In other words, the bulk of the people less well-informed than fox news viewers are those who, by virtue of not informing themselves, are by definition ill-informed.
So congrats, you cited studies that show that fox news viewers are more well informed than people who are not news viewers of any sort.
On a final note, the daily show segment linked in that politifact piece has a nice summary of the various things fox has reported that might lead its viewers to be misinformed - as tallied by politifact. enjoy.

Oct 28 11 - 12:15am

Thanks. Not really an accurate assessment of the study but I appreciate the feedback. If I'm bored, I might look at the Daily Show piece. I like the show except when Stewart trots out the Tea Bag/Conservative/Racist/Bigot schtick in front of the audience he knows will roar about it. Reminds me of what I've read used to happen in vaudeville where the stand-up comedians would make racist jokes knowing that the bigots would laugh at anything that belittled those they hated. It's the same bigotry, just a different group of bigots.

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