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Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the head of a National Organization for Marriage project called the Ruth Institute, has made it her personal crusade to take the rainbow back from those thieving gays. Apparently, for too long we have kept it away from its rightful owners. And why does she think that NOM and other Prop. 8 supporters have a claim to Roy G. Biv? Well, for one thing, she says the rainbow is a symbol of the covenant between man and God. I didn't pay any attention in Sunday school, so... whatever you say, Dr. Morse.

But she also argues that her movement is the truly inclusive one:

"Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coalition that included people from all across the religious traditions, and also people of every race and color," Morse recognizes. "We are the real rainbow coalition. The gay lobby does not own the rainbow."

She tells OneNewsNow that she wore a rainbow-colored scarf to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on Proposition 8 as a statement to signify that supporters of traditional marriage still own the symbol.

"We can't simply let that go by. Families put rainbows in their children's nurseries. Little Christian preschools will have rainbows... Noah's Ark and all the animals... Those are great Christian symbols, great Jewish symbols," the Ruth Institute president points out.

Damn, she's stumbled upon the gay lobby's most nefarious plan: turning babies gay with rainbows. I guess it's back to the drawing board. (I suggest we gays co-opt dinosaurs next. Kids love that shit.) Of course, a fight over a symbol is basically meaningless, since you can't actually control that symbol's use by others. But good luck with that scarf protest, ma'am.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Dec 17 10 - 10:45am

I'm all for these anti-gay dipshits wearing rainbows everywhere and having to explain "no, I'm not gay" to everyone they meet. fly it high!

Dec 17 10 - 11:10am
Rainbow Warrior

Instead of rainbows, the gays can have pink unicorns.

Dec 17 10 - 12:10pm

I wasn't aware that any (sane, normal) person thought the gay lobby "owned" the rainbow. Yes, it has been used by the LGBT community as a symbol of inclusiveness, but outside of certain contexts, a rainbow is just a rainbow. I think if every time you see Roy G. Biv (who I always picture as a brightly dressed Leprechaun, for cultural reasons) you automatically think "those damn gays" it might say more about your psychology than any gay conspiracy (however, if you see a lot of protest signs and the word "PRIDE" spelled out in three-foot-tall rainbow letters held by the crowd outside your office, somebody might be trying to tell you something).
More importantly, though, if people think "rainbow" automatically means "gay" does a double rainbow act like a double negative and mean you're straight again?

Dec 17 10 - 1:13pm

So while they are at the task of reclaiming the rainbow as the Christian symbol they claim it to be, we should make sure they get all their long forgotten symbols back...including the swastika.

Dec 17 10 - 6:27pm

No, a double rainbow means you're fucking FABULOUS!

Dec 18 10 - 12:37am

Wasn't the swastika originally a Hindu symbol?

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