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Republican congressman Doug Lamborn, representing the fifth congressional district in Colorado Springs, was forced to apologize after referring to President Obama as a "tar baby" on Denver radio's "Caplis & Silverman Show" this Friday. Lamborn used the reprehensible words during a discussion about the White House's budget policies and the debt-ceiling issue, saying, "I don't want to even have to be associated with him. It is like touching a tar baby and you get it — you're stuck, and you're part of the problem now."

Lamborn's office made a lame excuse on Monday, saying his comments were misunderstood, and that no racism was intended. Spokesperson Catherine Mortensen said that the congressman just meant to refer to a sticky situation, but who even uses that term (which originated from the Uncle Remus stories of the late nineteenth century) anymore? Lamborn, a Tea Partier who has been called the most conservative member of Congress, subsequently sent a mea culpa letter to the president, and Mortensen said in a written statement:

"Lamborn was attempting to tell a radio audience last week that the president's policies have created an economic quagmire for the nation and are responsible for the dismal economic conditions our country faces. He regrets that he chose the phrase 'tar baby' rather than the word 'quagmire.' The congressman is confident that the president will accept his heartfelt apology."

Among those responding to the controversy were Rosemary Harris Lytle, president of the NAACP's Colorado Springs chapter, who called Lamborn's remark "vitriolic," and Diana Allen-Phillips, area Urban League president, who stated that you can't "just toss that phrase out and not have it associated with the past."



Commentarium (90 Comments)

Aug 02 11 - 5:26pm

And why would anybody imagine that "tea party" is code for racist? I certainly wouldn't. But really, how damaged does your short term memory have to be to not remember a couple years back when the last admin presided over the multi TRILLION DOLLAR meltdown of the global financial system? Obama "created" a quagmire and is responsible for dismal conditions? Like maybe when the stock market went from $14,000.00 in late '07 to $6,000.00 at about Obama's inauguration? Remember?
Probably not.

Aug 04 11 - 10:54pm

After all of that is said, where is the justification in calling the President "tar baby" or holding up pictures of monkies with the President's name on it? How disrespectful can you be? If you have issues, fine, but don't take America back to the days of when human beings were degraded and called dispicable names because of the color of their skin and trying to justify it! Nothing justifies such ignorance.

Aug 05 11 - 2:01pm

Republicans in CSprings don't try to keep voters out of the polls. That would be Philadelphia and the New Black Panther Party. Stop the incessant cries of racism. It makes you look silly.

Aug 02 11 - 5:26pm
John Son

Arizona representative. How unexpected.

Aug 03 11 - 12:25pm
Yeah, no

Colorado, dude.

Aug 02 11 - 5:27pm

What does tar baby even mean?

Aug 02 11 - 5:27pm

I am not surprised, this is typical "Tea Party" rhertoric. We (African Americans) know exactly where they are coming from.

Aug 03 11 - 12:25pm
Yeah, no

No, you really don't. You'll make it up as you go though!!

Lamborn is an awesome Representative.

Aug 03 11 - 1:21pm

Yea it's obvious where you're coming from though!!

Aug 03 11 - 4:29pm

Lamborn is scum. He's probably angry because someone in his family is riding a brother's bone thug in harmony! Yeah!

Aug 04 11 - 4:12pm

You have no idea where I'm coming from, racist.

Aug 02 11 - 5:38pm

i'm outraged but not surprised...............

Aug 02 11 - 5:50pm
geraldine jones

he need's to be dipped in tar,or better still don't vote him in again;;;;

Aug 03 11 - 12:26pm

Lamborn will easily win re-election. There's no question.

Aug 02 11 - 5:57pm

Same old closet racist that slipped and failed to control his tongue while speaking on the mic. Please understand that he is comfortable with the term "tar baby"and I'm sure he says uses more racist slurs with his friends/family. Don't be surprised.............

Aug 02 11 - 5:58pm
Sharon Johnson

A tar baby is a racial slur used by raciest. Mr. Lamborn should be forced to resign. Anyone using raical slurs toward The President of the United States should be punished. How can you represent any state and be openly raciest? President Obama, please, do not accept another apology!!!!!!!!

Aug 04 11 - 12:08am

Point blank Period.

Aug 04 11 - 4:11pm

How do you propose we force the "raciest" Lamborn to resign? Can we use the same standard for John Conyers and Charlie Rangel?

Aug 02 11 - 6:06pm
Mychelle Barnes

how does that idiot lamborn feels confidant that President Obama will accept his "heartfelt" apology when he was FORCED? Step down LAMEborn and leave immediately!!!

Aug 02 11 - 6:36pm
Janice Edwards

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 04 11 - 4:10pm

Won't happen, sorry. Lamborn is here to stay and is very popular in this district. Plus, his use of the term was valid and in no way racist. Had an African American used the term, you'd have nothing to say, would you? Who's the racist?

Aug 04 11 - 11:01pm

@Janice the history, Ms. Edwards, on the term tar baby and where it came from! Ignorance is not bliss, dear!

Aug 02 11 - 6:34pm
Ya Yo

I'm surprised there isn't a hipster-beloved alternative hip hop group that calls themselves "Tar Babies".

Aug 03 11 - 8:38pm

Wow, really!!!! And were not suposed to think .......... what!!!!!

Aug 02 11 - 6:40pm
charles lewis

once again, its amazing when a comment like this is made, we're suppose to say it was a mistake? it wasn't a mistake it's what he meant. he should resign but he won't. most of these people aren't EDUCATED. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS SLEEPING WITH THE DEVIL!

Aug 02 11 - 6:53pm

It's not a surprise,what is a surprise it that Lamborn has the Hooksexup to be "confident that the President will accept his heartfelf apology".Why because it's the "political thing to do? Well just maybe one of these days when one of the ignorant members of Congress decide to use an ignorant racial slur the President will not feel like doing the "politically" correct thing,then all I can say is watch out because the President gonna let you have it full force!!!

Aug 03 11 - 8:43pm

Thankfully he is a man of strong conviction and morals. We all have to live with our choices and the things we put out into the wourld!!

Aug 02 11 - 7:22pm
Vinegar Bend

Apologies mean nothing. The guy's comment revealed what he is. I have friends in Colorado Springs. I hope they'll do better next time.

Aug 04 11 - 9:38am

If Lamborn runs, he'll be re-elected. The people here are smart and see this as the non-issue it is.

Aug 04 11 - 1:36pm

Smart?? Or all European orgin because any person of color can see "terms" like this represent whats in the heart! His hood and robe are out the closet

Aug 04 11 - 4:09pm

I'm not sure what a person's "orgin" has to do with it.

Aug 04 11 - 11:03pm

You SHOULD said it yourself "the people here are smart"...I guess you did not put yourself in that category!

Aug 05 11 - 1:57pm

Really, truth? That's the best you can do? How embarrassing for you.

Aug 02 11 - 7:24pm

I would be disappointed if the President accept his apology. The tea party and other Republicans are forgetting that this falling economy started with Bush. People like this are too stupid to understand that comments like these will help Obama get re elected. All Americans of every race,color,and creed should be offended.

Aug 03 11 - 12:28pm

You tell them, dude. With your writing skills, everyone will surely be convinced.

Aug 04 11 - 11:05pm

Really?....who uses the term "dude?" anymore?

Aug 05 11 - 1:56pm

You, apparently.

Aug 02 11 - 8:12pm

Where is all this HATE coming from? What is wrong with you people; God is an all see-ing and all knowing God. He is going to get YOU. Just because people don't look like you, you hate them? How narrow minded!! Why do YOU really HATE this President???...ask yourself that question!!

Aug 03 11 - 8:45pm

Thanks!! and Ditto!!!!!!!

Aug 02 11 - 8:29pm

" 'The congressman is confident that the president will accept his heartfelt apology.' "

....I'm sorry, did he ever ACTUALLY apologize? Because I'm pretty sure stating what your excuse is doesn't count

Aug 03 11 - 12:31pm

I agree with you; Lamborn shouldn't apologize over a perfectly valid use of the term.

Aug 02 11 - 8:57pm

Doug Lamborn is old enough to know that "Tar Baby" was used to ridicule African American. Until we get these people who still holding office racism we'll never come together as a country. It's bad enough we as Americans don't own anything any more but to have someone who really holding all this possible animosity for any race is in office he desevers to be fired. If it was someone black he would be fired. Also, remember he didn't leave the country F 'up like Bush did. He still cleaning up that crap. I will vote Obama again. He can make his koney to just like Bush is raping us all with his gas prices. There it is.

Aug 02 11 - 9:04pm

You are fired from your position LAMEborn...the serpent has shown it's fangs. Your kids might feel alot pressure real soon...don't be surprised because everything you do or say effects them.

Aug 04 11 - 12:12am


Aug 04 11 - 12:58am

You're threatening the man's children? You should be ashamed of yourself, tough guy.

Aug 02 11 - 9:39pm
Jotavia Anderson

This is one of the worst of any type of disrespect ever, to call our COmmander and CHief a "tar baby", what the hell is wrong with this elected official!!!!! We are Americans, Americans who reach out to help those of other nationalities daily, and the best that this "Congressman" can do is disrespect our Commander and Chief with name calling. What the hell is this country coming to! Really!!! What the hell is next.... He should not only appologies publically to Our Commander and Chief, but do so to the American Public. It is indeed time to get on track and act like we are the free nation we are. We were considered the best country ever, and do we deserve this discreption?? We thank our servicemembers as we are decorated and as we return from war, and the first thing out of some of our American citizen's mouth is "thank you for your service". MEAN IT, and feel the same way towards our COmmander and Chief. This man is our world leader and it starts from the individial Alan Wilson as he called the President a Liar on live television. No one can enter a court room and disrespect or get out of order to a judge. He would be held in contempt. What the hell do we call this name calling publically. CONTEMPT!!!!!Fine this individual and incarcerate him for his contempt. When does this madness stop. If we are to set the standards and the examples for the world to follow and for our children to emmulate, we must first learn how to conduct ourselves as adults and American Citizens. I am embarrassed, sad, pissed off, mad,frustrated, hurt because we still cant get it together as the free world, supporter, citizens, parent, teacher. I see the racism daily at my command and if i experience this daily, i can only try and imagine what the President encounters. Mr. President, i appologize for the many who are ignorate as congressman Doug Lamborn, probably a father, uncle, teacher, civil servant, someone's mentor. We will keep him and the others alike in our prayers. May the Lord bless you and continue to keep you and yours in peace. Good things come to those as yourself. Sir you are patient, humble, a good man/ the good guy, a peace maker and a winner; congressman Doug Lamborn lost!!!!!.. Jotavia Anderson, your supporter!!!

Aug 03 11 - 12:29pm

That damn First Amendment! Let's do away with it so Our Glorious Leader gets the respect he deserves! If he doesn't, let's put the offenders in jail!

Aug 03 11 - 12:33pm
Joe Wilson

Someone else called the President a liar? I thought I was the only one brave enough to do that.

Let me be clear: The President is a committed, serial, dedicated liar.

Aug 04 11 - 11:06pm


Aug 03 11 - 12:08am
sexy minx

Considering what a wimp Obama is, I'm sure he forgave him immediately.
(Obama is the worst President since Warren G. Harding, and like an complete idiot, I voted for him. Never again.)

Aug 04 11 - 11:07pm

With a name like "sexy minx" your vote won't be missed!

Aug 03 11 - 1:44am

It really comes under the heading of self-fulfilling prophecies. Besides we got to see what he was all about.

Aug 03 11 - 12:33pm

And the rest of us got a good look at the "tolerant" Left.

Aug 03 11 - 2:14am

If man could say big words like quagmire, then why even go for the low blow? Too bad we can't suggest the "tar and feather" punishment like back in the day of the real Patriots. Tar knows no racial lines...

Aug 03 11 - 4:12am

So what, he's racist. It's wrong and he shouldn't have said what he did, but last time I checked this is America and people have the freedom to say as they please. He shouldn't be forced to apologize for something he obviously is not sorry for. False apologies are meaningless. Now that you know what he believes just don't vote for him.

Aug 03 11 - 8:08am

I agree with your statement we cannt change him, but please understand racist is on both sides its not just white people that say things its just white people that get in trouble for what they say, have u heard us call each other hokey or cracker but thats alright if u do, right as long as we dont say the n word or we would have to apologize.

Aug 07 11 - 6:46am

I agree, racism does go both ways. I don't think any race should use racist words even if they are the race that the word was meant to offend. Such as using the N word because you are black. Just imagine if MLK was still alive and he heard his people using a word he fought to erase. It goes for all races but the N word just happens to be a big example.

Aug 03 11 - 4:23am


Aug 03 11 - 9:52am

I'd rather have a tar baby than a rat adult.

Aug 04 11 - 4:07pm

That's a very racist thing to say, Moops.

Aug 03 11 - 10:03am
Boogie Man

The Oxford American Dictionary defines tar baby as "a difficult problem, that is only aggravated by attempts to solve it." Otherwise known as a "sticky situation". This guy is clearly using it to describe a situation (working with the president) and not a person. Now back to our collective over-reacting...

Aug 03 11 - 11:04am

Sigh... just like when that guy (congressman? professor? I forget now...) used the word "niggardly" a few years back and all the folks who didn't know the actual definition were aghast.

Yes, "tar baby" has been used as a racial slur, but it also has a legit (and quite appropriate in this case) definition as well. If Obama were white this would be a non-issue.

Republicans and Tea Partiers are not racist by definition. Some might be, but some Democrats are too.

Aug 04 11 - 9:40am

Pretty sure it was a member of Fenty's Cabinet who got fired. He was white and lasted about a week after his comment. I laughed my ass off over the stupidity of the situation for weeks.

Aug 04 11 - 11:11pm

@MRAGH...if the President were white, there would be no tea party and the term "tar baby" would have NEVER been used! No matter how you slice it, race matters STILL in this 21st century. The world is still watching us and we are proving that racism in America is alive and well!!

Aug 05 11 - 11:20am

BS. The Tea Party was well in swing before Obama was nominated and elected. Get your head out of your a$$.

Aug 03 11 - 11:47am

Oh man, I just moved from there.

Aug 03 11 - 12:30pm

You people are idiots. Read and be informed:


Aug 03 11 - 12:47pm

I agree.

Aug 03 11 - 9:51pm

From that very article you quote: "The expression tar baby is also used occasionally as a derogatory term for black people (in the U.S. it refers to African-Americans; in New Zealand it refers to Maori), or among blacks as a term for a particularly dark-skinned person. As a result, some people suggest avoiding the use of the term in any context."

Aug 04 11 - 1:00am

Yeah, there is a secondary "meaning." I was unaware of it and think Lamborn was as well. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Aug 04 11 - 1:40pm

So If I called you a "Cracker" does that mean salty?? Stop hiding from the truth its racist!!

Aug 04 11 - 4:07pm

I have no idea what you'd mean. I'd care even less.

Aug 06 11 - 6:37am

So to use your example, you think Lamborn actually thinks Obama is a baby made of a petroleum product?

Aug 03 11 - 3:46pm

so, to paraphrase, "No racism was intended by the use of the term tar-baby." That takes some effing balls Colorado. Ignorant, humongous balls.

Aug 04 11 - 1:01am

Or maybe he was using the generally accepted use of the term. I'd be careful calling people ignorant, anon; glass houses, etc.

Aug 03 11 - 5:25pm

All and anyone that disrepects our President and nation's leaders needs to be held accountable....fired or sent home to look for a new job. Even in the military, repect is required....Pres. Obama is chief commander, These congressmen are certainly not representing everyone. It is globally embarrassing to have a government cabinet that behaves so childlike. For all of those folks that complain....put your VOTE where your mouth is. Make you voice heard at the voting polls.

Don't forget....President Obama is bi-racial. He is 1/2 white and 1/2 african. Exactly which side of his race is being insulted. Last I checked or remember....mulatto children were rarely accepted by either side. The racists that continue to insult his African American side must remember that his mother was white. The racial slurs all need to stop! All I can see is that the Republicans are self serving for the rich, Tea party folks are racial national dividers and the Democrats are whimnping out on everything. I don't like anyone. I think everyone in Washington needs to be fired!! We need some people in Washington that really have the best interest of the American people in mind who vote accordingly to move our nation forward.

Aug 04 11 - 1:02am

Huh? "Government cabinet?" No First Amendment?

Aug 04 11 - 10:53am

No one is using words responsibly any way.....First ammendment is only protecting those who uuse their voice to insult the protestors of war veterans killed in the war. It doesn't matter whether they support the war or not...they are keeping their commitment to serve. As for a government cabinet....I did not say to eliminate the cabinet....I think we need to clean house!

Aug 04 11 - 4:06pm

That damn First ammendment!

As for the cabinet, I was making fun of the fact that the man being libeled is not in Obama's Cabinet.

Aug 03 11 - 10:10pm

I am sick and tired of political representatives disrespecting the President of the United States. I feel it is done because he is Black. None of the representatives have made negative and derogatory remarks against any other President (White). Offering an apology is unacceptable to me, they should be made to resign. Racism is alive and well in this country. How unfortunate in this day and age.

Aug 04 11 - 1:12am

I disrespect the President because he's incompetent.

"None of the representatives have made negative and derogatory remarks against any other President (White)."

You must be effing kidding me. Were you paying any attention at all when Bush was President?

Racism is indeed alive and well in this day and age. Note that people receive preferential hiring, advancement and a large number of benefits as a result of their race.

Aug 04 11 - 11:09am

@Cynthia...Check your stats before you comment on who's recieving benefits...people of all races are receiving benefits!

Maybe you would like the elderly in your family to give up their social security or government subsidized medical care coverage.

As for preferential hiring and advancement, education is still the key. People who make excuses for lack of professional growth, need to put that effort into self development so that they will be considered for the next opportunity.

How unfortunateit is that people are still so narrow minded.

Aug 04 11 - 4:05pm

How "unfortunateit" that people refuse to see what's clear to all.

Aug 04 11 - 11:16am

@ Cynthia....sorry.... that comment is for the one who is using race as an excuse for not growing in their employment/career.

Aug 04 11 - 2:41pm

too bad people live with it ,we have a black president and he is doing a hell of a job cleaning up this terrible mess he was left to deal with. if not for the way he is doing things half of us would not have food to eat or a place to stay no matter what race we are. us poor americans had better keep that in mind when it is time to vote because the republicans nor the tea party gives a dam about us.

Aug 04 11 - 4:03pm

Think how well he would be doing if he actually did something to improve the economy!

You know who the biggest racist is? The economy, that's who. Why else would be back above 9% unemployment? It's because the economy is racist, that's why.

Aug 04 11 - 2:42pm


Aug 04 11 - 8:31pm

Obama is doing a "hell of a job" might be the funniest thing I've read on here in a long time... except that you actually believe it, which is downright frightening. He's been among the biggest disappointments (disappoint mints? har har...) of any President in recent memory. Enough time has gone by that you can stop blaming "the mess he was left with" and start blaming him for his complete inaction, bordering on ineptitude, on just about everything.

Still waiting for the change... and hopefully we'll get some in 2012. This man doesn't deserve a second term.

Aug 04 11 - 11:52pm

This is some bulls@!t. Good ole boy clansman in office. His job should be taken away from him amd he should be whipped!

Aug 06 11 - 4:54pm

i am so embarrassed for the racial name calling of our president.I grew up in a era when we were called tar baby because of the color of my skin,lets take this congressman down enough already

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