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civil unions

Delaware has just become the eighth state in the nation to legalize same-sex civil unions and boy, do they know how to celebrate. Rather than have some stodgy ceremony, they marked the occasion with a bona fide party. Governor Jack Markell signed the bill into law at the Queen Theatre (where else?) in Wilmington, where over 600 people gathered. And like all good parties there was booze (champagne to be exact) and live music courtesy of the Rainbow Chorale of Delaware. (I know, you were hoping for Lady Gaga, but she wasn't in the state's budget.)

During the festivities Markell said the following words:

"Tonight, we say to loving and committed couples across the state who want the law to endorse the promise that they made long ago to their hearts, 'Your love is equally valid and deserving, your family is now equal under the law.'"

The law goes into effect January 1st, 2012, but no time like the present to party. 

Commentarium (4 Comments)

May 13 11 - 10:48am
uh, ok

That's how it should be. Civil unions should be for all, marriage should be exclusively a religious term and ceremony. Separation of church and state.

May 13 11 - 10:55am

I love that they partied...adding a joyous note rather than a stuffy, somber bill signing really hits the "suck it!" nail on the head towards the opposition. MAZEL TOV & Happy New Year in advance (way in advance) to all who have their ceremonies performed on 1/1/12

May 13 11 - 12:45pm

Did you ever think that the pro-gay movement might be the ones who are the opposition?

Now you say something

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