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Gingrich blasts Romney's ability to speak French

It's come to this. Desperate for a win after poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich is jabbing at frontrunner Mitt Romney with every weapon that his relentlessly positive campaign can muster. While some of those criticisms, i.e. of Mitt's past as a "corporate raider," are legitimate, others just remind us that it's Silly Season. Enter Newt's new ad.

The ad starts by confirming the awful rumor that Mitt Romney used to live in Massachusetts! So, if you think about it, he's a lot like John Kerry. The ad harps on the liberal Taxachusetts angle, and we're treated to the usual shots of Kerry windsurfing (a real man would motorboat, of course) and Dukakis riding geekily in a tank while some accordion music tweedles in the background. Here, in other words, is a series of liberals who tried and failed to win the Presidency, and by implication Romney falls into that same camp. He's a "Massachusetts moderate," warns the ad in foreboding tones.

But the real nail in the coffin is that, much like Kerry, Mitt Romney can speak French! Sacre bleu! Never mind that the French are our longtime allies and saved our asses back in RW1 (Revolutionary War I); as every hot-blooded conservative knows, speaking French is like wearing a tutu at a football game. Did you know that French has no word for "fight" and twelve words for "breakfast cheese?" Don't look that up. Of course the daffy "attack" is especially rich coming from a man who spends so much time reminding the public of his own intellectual girth. Now Gingrich, the former college professor and historian, is trying to make knowledge a wedge issue. It should be noted that Newt himself has been spotted speaking some terrible Spanish. But see, in the conservative logic vortex, it's okay to speak a foreign language! Just as long as you speak it badly, and as long as it's not French.

Commentarium (14 Comments)

Jan 13 12 - 3:18pm
Alex Heigl

"Paid for by Newt 2012" is such an absurd thing to see, anywhere.

Jan 15 12 - 3:30pm

Why is that, Haboob?

Jan 13 12 - 4:14pm

I haven't read it myself, but Robert Paul Wolff has this to say about Gingrich's doctoral dissertation.
"Although the dissertation is written entirely in English, the footnotes give evidence that Gingrich had a quite adequate command of written French."

Perhaps just being able to read French isn't enough to make you a surrender monkey?

Jan 13 12 - 4:20pm

Newt really is going for the ignoramus and cretin vote, isn't he? When is this alleged "thinker" and "intellectual" of the GOP going to start behaving like one?

Jan 13 12 - 4:27pm

Don't even get him started about Huntsman speaking Chinese.

Jan 13 12 - 8:08pm

He didn't pronounce "je" (French for "I") correctly in that video clip ...

Jan 13 12 - 8:33pm

Yeah his pronunciation sounded a little stiff to me too but I'm not really qualified to judge. I know he lived there for two years as a missionary so I'd hope he's fluent or at least conversant, but who knows. Apparently he lived in some pretty nice digs too - >

Jan 13 12 - 9:30pm
Auguste Blanqui

His "je" was fine, really. Not everybody French-speaking American can speak as fluently as Jodie Foster.

Jan 14 12 - 10:47am

Close enough for government work!

Jan 15 12 - 3:31pm

Oui, c'etait bien - pas de probleme, Marie.

Jan 13 12 - 10:11pm
rrenchec 4,997

Someone needs to shove a french breadstick in Newt's pie-hole.

Jan 13 12 - 11:57pm

Or as Romney would say, a "baguette."

Jan 14 12 - 10:54am

Actually, there are french words for "fight". There's about six of them, each one pertaining to a different context. For instance, "combattre" is to fight fire, "se battre contre" is to fight against a person, and, oh. If you're looking for a noun, not a verb, the word is "le combat" (literally) or "la lutte" (meaning struggle). If you don't believe me, use a dictionary:

I don't mind political bashing of the republicans, just make sure the facts are right.

Jan 14 12 - 12:42pm

heehee, I think you missed the point of "Don't look that up". But good googling!

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