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Rather than spend this valuable time together recapping the ups-and-downs (mostly downs) of the rollercoaster ride that's been the Cain Train, let's just say that Herman Cain's campaign has been, to be kind, a bit of a mess. But say what you will about it  — and we certainly have — at least it hasn't been the snooze-fest of a Jon Huntsman or a Rick Santorum. At the very least, he's been keeping us on our toes to see how next he'll shoot himself in the foot.

But there is something cute and endearing about the man, one that extends all the way to the 404 Error page on his website. Check it out:

It's a perfect encapsulation of Cain's politics: attack Obama's policies in overly-broad phrases without going into details or specifics, give potential votes no actual solutions besides "get to work" and "figure it out yourself," and be loose and funny whenever possible. If he keeps on doing the third, I can overlook the first two. Until, you know, it's time to actually vote. 

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 14 11 - 3:47pm

It would be more funny if his hand reached out of the computer and pushed my head towards his crotch while saying, "You want the link, right?"

Nov 14 11 - 7:51pm


Nov 14 11 - 9:09pm

I thought "Cain's 404 Error" referred to the number of women he's harrassed.

Nov 14 11 - 10:43pm

Regardless of which side of the aisle you're on, that's a pretty funny 404 page.

Nov 20 11 - 8:40pm

Kudos to you! I hadn't thghout of that!

Nov 21 11 - 2:05pm

owQslV znjycybqabpq

Dec 03 11 - 12:04pm

4LVGrD , [url=]hxhebxwuvntb[/url], [link=]vodanamzuhcu[/link],

Now you say something