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italian pol looking at porn

At least Representative Conyers had the decency to look at his Playboy on an airplane: the latest politcian to get caught with his hands in the sexual cookie jar is Simeone Di Cagno Abbrescia, unsurprisingly a Berlusconi supporter, who was captured not-so-discreetly ogling an escort website on his iPad during a vote in Parliament.

It happened during a vote-of-no-confidence debate over Culture Minister Sandro Bondi, which he ultimately won. Di Cagno Abbrescia maintains that he visited the website by mistake, that he'd been checking news sites during a break in the proceedings when, voila! an advert for the site "popped up" and he clicked the link out of "curiosity." He explained: "I was looking at my messages when a window opened up and I couldn't help looking at the pictures of those lovely girls. Sometimes these messages from girls just pop up when you are looking at your email. I have never been with an escort."

He further volunteered that he'd only had the iPad for a month and that his fingers "slipped." Perhaps he had been eating some fried chicken because his fingers apparently "slipped" through multiple pictures of girls on the website. If the former mayor of Bari keeps "slipping," maybe he should look into joining the XXXchurch.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Feb 03 11 - 1:22pm

Otherwise known as Tuesday in Italy

Feb 03 11 - 2:52pm

Have you seen the wives of some of these guys? No wonder they're scouring then net for the young stuff.

Feb 03 11 - 5:07pm


Feb 03 11 - 5:47pm

Of all the countries I've been to in Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world, Italy has been, without a doubt, the dirtiest.

Feb 03 11 - 8:22pm

Oh yeah Lawrence? You've clearly never been to Utah.

Now you say something

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