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Jon Huntsman finally drops out of GOP race

After what must have been a grueling uphill slog that got him maybe tenth of the way up that hill, Jon Huntsman, the former Ambassador to China and Governor of Utah,has bowed out of the race for Republican presidential nomination. The decision comes after a dead-last finish in the Iowa caucus, a not terrible third place in New Hampshire, and polls that show voters in South Carolina may prefer him slightly less than Stephen Colbert. Which isn't to say he didn't have his fans in the Palmetto State; the state's largest paper, The State — sorry for using that word so many times in a row — just endorsed him today.

His campaign manager, Matt Davis, released this statement earlier today about the move and Huntsman's motives:

"The governor and his family, at this point in the race, decided it was time for Republicans to rally around a candidate who could beat Barack Obama and turn around the economy..."

So who will this moderate, experienced Mormon throw his weight behind as the best man for the job? Which candidate will he choose? (The suspense is killing the uninsured!) Drum roll, plezzzzzzzzzzzzzz:

"That candidate is Gov. Mitt Romney."

And we're down to four five! One moderate nobody wants, one bro-beloved senile coot, one insane man with a "Google problem," one I forgot about when I first wrote this like a dream that was bad but not especially memorable, and Newt Gingrich. (Sorry, Newt. No snappy description for you.) The official announcement of both Huntsman's decision and endorsement of Romney will come tomorrow at eleven in Myrtle Beach. Go to some sea-side bar and down a few margaritas afterwards, Jon. (Er, virgin margaritas, I guess?) You've earned it.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Jan 16 12 - 12:35am

You forgot Rick Perry, who is still slithering along.

Jan 16 12 - 10:06am

Right you are, sir. At least I had a nice hour or so in a world where he had dropped out as well.

Jan 16 12 - 12:42am

Romney isn't a moderate--he'll just say anything to get your vote. Guy has no convictions that aren't paid for.

Jan 16 12 - 11:34am

Exactly why the Republicans want him. He's basically Obama, but playing for their team. Republicans don't actually want change, they just want to sit and watch the world fall apart and gloat about how much worse it would've been if Obama were re-elected.

Jan 16 12 - 11:45pm

"[Both parties] don't actually want change, they just want to sit and watch the world fall apart and gloat about how much worse it would've been if [other party's candidate] were elected."

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