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Kansas State Representative (and pastor) Pete DeGraaf, doesn't think women should ever get abortions. Not even in instances of rape, because rape, he believes, can be completely avoided. All it takes is a lot of meticulous planning and a couple of spare parts.

During a Friday House discussion over a bill that would ban insurance plans from covering abortions (except in instances when the mother's life is at risk), DeGraaf made his view perfectly clear, when the issue of excluding pregnancies from rape arose. Check out the following dialog that took place between him and Rep. Barbara Bollier, who challenged him on the issue:

DeGraaf: We do need to plan ahead, don’t we, in life?

Bollier: And so women need to plan ahead for issues that they have no control over with pregnancy?

DeGraaf: I have a spare tire on my car. I also have life insurance. I have a lot of things that I plan ahead for.

Wait, what? Did someone really just conflate minor vehicle damage with sexual assault? There are absolutely no words to describe the blatant idiocy, disrespect and victim-blaming of that statement. That this man was elected to state congress and preaches in the pulpit inspires facepalms of the highest order. For shame. 

Tags abortion rape

Commentarium (10 Comments)

May 24 11 - 8:59am

He wasn't elected to Congress, he's a state legislator in Kansas. But yeah, he's an ass.

May 24 11 - 9:56am

Ten to one he's a Christian fundamentalist. Wait, I'll check his website...yep, here it is, second sentence: "I can see how God has been preparing me for this role through my years as a husband, father, Air Force pilot, financial counselor, pastor, volunteer, Precinct Committeeman, and non-profit board member."

And misogynist, but who's counting?

May 24 11 - 10:25am

I've always been amazed at the "what, me worry?" blissed out faces of all the true believers out there. People should read Eric Hoffer again to remember what these folks are capable of. Once you have perfect faith, you can believe one thing just as easily as another. Hippies become yuppies, commies become fascists (or, like Horowitz and Savage, republicans), Christians become . . . almost anything - and very quickly, and completely.

May 24 11 - 10:29am

How does a guy like this even manage to tie his shoes in the morning?

May 24 11 - 12:22pm

So... Regardless of how carefully we drive it's bound to happen sooner or later and we should just be prepared for it.

All women are victims waiting to happen in his world. Gotcha.


May 24 11 - 2:45pm

Well, this IS why I'm getting surgically sterilized. Planning ahead for such unavoidable eventuality, you know.

May 24 11 - 1:48pm

Wow - nice Kansas. Doin' a real good job of shedding that "way behind the times" reputation you've got out in the rest of the world.

May 24 11 - 4:33pm

Wow, what a quality political representative we have here (heavy sarcasm). A true winner - doing his best to smash women's rights.

May 24 11 - 5:31pm

You want a scary thought? People like this? They are being elected into these offices. In short, -large enough numbers of people agree with their viewpoints-.

If this isn't evidence enough that humanity is overdue for extinction, I don't know what is.

Now you say something