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Michael Bloomberg

Gay marriage has another high-profile advocate in New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who alongside Governor Andrew Cuomo, is pressing state lawmakers to approve a same-sex marriage bill. In a speech today in New York, Bloomberg depicted legal gay marriage as inevitable, and also compared the fight for marriage equality to the civil-rights movement:

 "Today, a majority of Americans support marriage equality and young people increasingly view marriage equality in much the same way as young people in the 1960s viewed civil rights. Eventually, as happened with civil rights for African-Americans, they will be a majority of voters. And they will pass laws that reflect their value and elect presidents who personify them. It is not a matter of if — but when."

I can't say I'm always the biggest fan of Bloomberg, but it seems like he's pretty spot-on this time around. But what do you think — accurate, or an overstatement?


Commentarium (13 Comments)

May 26 11 - 4:15pm

Spot-on correct. The writing has been on the wall for a number of years. Remember this clip of the Iowa Senate Majority Leader and the "you've already lost," line he says his daughter dropped on a bunch of older anti-marriage-equality types? That was a couple of years ago now.

May 26 11 - 4:33pm

I lost a lot of respect for Mr Bloomberg when he forgot that Dominique Strauss-Kahn (the former IMF goy) is innocent until proven guilty, no matter how heinous the crime he's accused of. As for gay marriage: the only thing inevitable about it is that it will always be controversial.

May 26 11 - 6:34pm

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn (the former IMF goy)"
Now THERE's an unfortunate typo!

May 26 11 - 10:53pm

Sure. There are still people that think interracial marriage was wrong. We call them racists.

May 26 11 - 8:29pm

Another gutless politician caving to political correctness.

May 27 11 - 8:39am

another witless remark by @huh

May 27 11 - 10:07am

I wasn't trying for wit, Signs, just my opinion.

May 27 11 - 5:04pm

I don't think you realize the implications of what you are saying Huh?.

So what? Is he -not- suppose to change his opinion to better represent his contituents? Or, he is -supposed- to have only one opinion and never change it no matter what? Is any change in political opinion being "gutless?" Allowing gays to marry, which would benefit many and harm none should only be pushed by people who originally said they were for it and people who showed no support before should -not ever- show any support or they will appear "gutless" in your eyes?

Sure, maybe he is only doing this because people in New York are becoming more supporting of gay rights, but at least he is doing something to help even if it is completely out of self interest, which I think is a big assumption to make because we don't and can't know his intentions.

I think you are just looking for something to complain about.

May 27 11 - 1:35am

I think Mayor Bloomberg is completely accurate here. Glad he's so forthright.

May 27 11 - 7:39am

That's exactly what I've been telling my boyfriend. I know he wants to get married...

May 27 11 - 8:37am

Soon people will see Bloomberg for what he is - a jackass billionaire who bought his office. It's not a matter of if, but when.

May 27 11 - 5:06pm

I'm not the biggest Bloomberg fan but, cool, I'm glad he is standing behind the cause for gay marriage.

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