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Michelle Bachmann

There's an old Arab proverb that says "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." In that sense, I actually kind of like Meghan McCain. She broke with her dad on gay rights, she writes for the Huffington Post, and seems pretty clever. Plus, she's a vehement critic of the Tea Party. 

Check out this video last night, where she chews out Michele Bachmann — and CNN for airing her speech — calling her a "poor man's Sarah Palin" who couldn't even look into the camera correctly. It's a refreshing invective against infighting — both within the Republican Party and within our toxic political culture at large — and worth a watch. 

For more humorous Michele Bachmann commentary, here's Jon Stewart mocking her inability to look into the camera. 

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Commentarium (5 Comments)

Jan 27 11 - 12:28pm

that's funny, I've been calling Palin, Bush-lite for years

Jan 27 11 - 1:49pm
G Unit

Meghan McCain, you're pathetic. Which is why MSNBC likes you.

Jan 27 11 - 1:51pm

A lesser Palin? That's just harsh.

Jan 27 11 - 3:45pm
Flat Broke

Ms. Bachman was looking into a Tea Party webcam, rather than a network TV camera, or so I've been told. If so, it's a technical error, not a political one. In any event: as a poor man, I'm no more impressed with Ms. Bachman than I am with Ms. Palin.

Jan 27 11 - 7:21pm

I thought Sarah Palin already was a poor man's Sarah Palin.

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