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Kim Jong-il, Dear Leader, Our Father, Generalissimo, the North Korean dictator who was so easy to make fun of all because he kind of looked like a lady, but at the same time those pot shots were curbed slightly because he was an insane nationalistic leader with nukes at his disposal... has died at the age of seventy. The official report from North Korea is that he died "from overwork after dedicating his life to the people." (Read: heart attack.)

As you'd imagine, those in North Korea are upset about this death because they have been told to be upset about this death. What you wouldn't imagine is that, to show the rest of the world how broken-hearted they all are, the North Korean state media would release a spliced-together video of thousands awkwardly weeping in the streets. But that's just what they did:

Is it me, or does some of that over-the-top breast-beating and sobbing uncontrollably seem a bit, I don't know, forced?

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Dec 19 11 - 6:28pm

After Kim Jong-Il's father died, they took surveys to find out who didn't cry or express extreme distress, and then they were punished. so messed up. my question is: is it possible to pretend to be intensely devoted for your entire life, or will that eventually turn into real feelings?

Dec 19 11 - 8:30pm

I'm guessing it's about the same as Stockholm Syndrome

Dec 20 11 - 1:29pm

I read that, too. Horrible. I'm sure some of that dread is real - their nation - already in that state of poverty and stifling restrictions - now being handed over to a young new leader who may feel pressure to flex his muscles to his people and the world?

Dec 19 11 - 7:50pm

Does anyone else remember the Japanese film from the '50s, "Skinny and Fatty"? It was a sweet film, but I can't get it out of my head how much Jr. looks like Fatty from the film.

Dec 20 11 - 1:26pm

David Sedaris mentioned it in one of his books.

Dec 20 11 - 1:31pm

Did he really? Wow, if so, then I've really impressed myself!

Dec 20 11 - 2:47am

This really scared me..............

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