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A new poll by Public Policy Polling has revealed that forty-six percent of Mississippi Republicans believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Yes, you read that right. 400 GOP primary voters were asked which political candidates they supported, as well as their opinion on mixed-race marriage. Forty-six percent were against mixed-race marriage, forty percent said it should be allowed, and fourteen percent were "unsure." Pretty shocking, although somewhat mitigated by the fact that the polled Republicans skewed older. It doesn't look like Clarence and Virginia Thomas are going to be invited over to watch Guess Who's Coming to Dinner or The Bodyguard, let alone Mississippi Masala, anytime soon.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Apr 08 11 - 2:35pm

Poll: 46% of Mississippi Republicans are over 75 years old.

Apr 08 11 - 2:47pm

Justice Thomas was invited to speak at the new law school dedication at the University of Mississippi. He declined the invitation after he couldn't get it to fit in his schedule.

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