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Rick Perry and Donald Trump went on a date

In general, we don't make a huge deal out of "man-dates" or "bromances." Portmanteaus are annoying, and men being friends isn't so weird that it needs a word. But if the bromance is between Donald Trump and Rick Perry, that's an exception. The two men went on a bromantic bro-date earlier this bro-week. 

Perry "called me out of nowhere, which I respect," Trump told Sean Hannity on his radio show yesterday, and the two agreed to go out to dinner on Wednesday. So what did they do? Well, according to CBS News, it was all-Trump everything:

"Perry huddled with Trump… at the real estate mogul's eponymous Trump Tower for more than an hour before his host whisked him off to dine at Jean-Georges Restaurant, a highly-rated — and highly priced — eatery located in another Trump building overlooking Central Park."

You're on a date with Donald "Eponymous-Moneybags" Trump. What else would you expect?

Could it get any better? Well, yes, obviously. After they finished dinner, it was off to a third Trump building for a celebrity Fashion Week party with Kathy Lee Gifford and whoever that attractive stranger is in that picture. I'm not making this up. This is a date with Donald "Eponymous-Moneybags-Mogul" Trump.

Trump made it clear that he's not ready to make things exclusive. "I also received a phone call from Gov. Romney," he said. "I'm seeing [him] next week. I'm seeing everybody." It's not clear who Donald "Eponymous-Moneybags-Mogulgod-Kingmaker" Trump will end up endorsing for 2012, but honestly, that just isn't important right now. Did they go on a carriage ride, or am I being totally banal?

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