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Rick Santorum

After you've called the President a religion-hating, fake-Christian Nazi on the national stage, (and that's just this week, people!), some of the thrill must wear off. Like an addict seeking a new high, you've got to go a little further than you've gone before. Enter the "you kill babies" line, that cheap 'n easy and yet mighty potent Elmer's-glue-and-a-brown-paper-bag of insults.

Speaking earlier this weekend, Rick Santorum said that Obama's Affordable Care act encourages pre-natal screening, so that parents can abort babies with disabilities, thus "culling the ranks of the disabled in our society." Oh, yes, I forgot to mention: not just killing babies, killing special-needs babies: 

"One of the things that you don't know about ObamaCare in one of the mandates is they require free prenatal testing.... Why? Because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and, therefore, less care that has to be done, because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society. That too is part of ObamaCare — another hidden message as to what president Obama thinks of those who are less able than the elites who want to govern our country."

There are a host of medical reasons for prenatal screenings — including making necessary medical provisions to ensure healthy birth in the case of a child with disabilities. The assumption that covering that procedure was a cold and calculated choice by Obama to kill off people with disabilities is dark — but to assume that most people, upon learning they have a child with disabilities, would terminate that pregnancy, is deeply cynical. Moreover, if you're the kind of parent who would chose to get an abortion rather than raise a special-needs child, I daresay abortion might be the best option for all involved.

But just because I think this is a new low for you, Rick, doesn't mean I don't understand. A few months ago, you were a former Senator who'd been drubbed out of your seat, with a really unfortunate nickname, eleventy-gazillion kids, and a very well-known hatred of sex for pleasure. But today, you're a GOP front-runner with the national news media writing down your every word. This is your chance, Rick. Get it all out. 

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Feb 20 12 - 5:45pm
WTF America?

just wow.

Feb 20 12 - 10:05pm

The grand irony, of course, is that in 1996 Santorum and his wife found out - through prenatal screening - that their fetus had a defect. They were 'lucky' enough to not have to go through a medical abortion as Mrs. Santorum suffered a miscarriage.

I know, I know, I'm stunned a Republican is a hypocrite too.

Feb 21 12 - 5:06am

Rick "Ass Juice" Santorum has a head attached to a neck that you would just love to grip ever so tightly!

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