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Frank Miller, creator of such comics as Sin City and 300, has some words for the Occupy Wall Street protests and its many spin-offs. These words include: "garbage," "schmucks," "putrid," "rapists," "pond scum," "ugly," and "the." Perhaps you can tell he's not a huge fan? He's so not a huge fan he realized he could be silent no longer and took to his blog for a little ranting action. Frank Miller is going to show you the truth about Occupy Wall Street. Are you ready, sheeple?

The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.

This is just the beginning of his tirade, but you can go over to his blog to read the rest. Miller's argument is the one that, oh, almost everyone who's criticized the movement has made: that this is just a group of kids who are too lazy to do any real work, so instead they'll just whine about how unfair life is. (The "get a job, hippie!" school of thought. Very popular right now.) But his argument really hits its stride when he quite seriously includes what became a tired joke by 2004: did you know that if we don't stop OWS, the terrorists have won? It's true:

Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you’ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you’ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism.

And this enemy of mine — not of yours, apparently must be getting a dark chuckle, if not an outright horselaugh out of your vain, childish, self-destructive spectacle.

And he goes on to suggest that, if the protesters weren't such loser babies, they would join the military. So... huh? Crying lazy is one thing, but suggesting that the protesters are somehow undermining the War on Terror sounds like Miller is grasping at straws. But I guess the Occupy folks can't all have the perspective of the hard life Miller has from his years of writing comics. Some of them just have actual service records.

Commentarium (20 Comments)

Nov 14 11 - 2:19pm
Alex Heigl

"Outright Horselaugh" is an awesome name for a band.

Nov 14 11 - 2:34pm
Tu Madre

Who the hell is Frank Miller? And why would anyone care about what he has to say?

Nov 14 11 - 3:10pm

Frank Miller is, or was,his latest work isn't quite stacked up to his older stuff, a comics writer who was part of the comics revolution in the 80's, who played a huge role, along with Alan Moore, in reshaping and rewriting comics. He wrote Batman:The Dark Knight Returns, still amazing,Batman:Year One,and is considered with reinventing DareDevil. He also wrote the Sin City series and 300. It's one thing to not like the guy and his work, I don't care either way if you do or don't, another to put your fingers in your ears and completely dimiss what the guy says,all cause your ass never heard of him. I bet you're someone who lets trend lists dictate there own personal taste.

Nov 14 11 - 3:27pm
Tu Madre

Let's see, Miller judges OWS, I judge Miller, you judge me. Around and around we go. Thanks yougottabekiddingme, at least now I have a better idea of who he is. I'm sorry I don't read comics, therefore I had no idea who Frank Miller was. Also, you are quite the judge of character as I do let every trend list dictate my life, especially those in People and US Weekly. You should try it sometime it makes life so much easier.

Nov 14 11 - 3:43pm

We can dismiss what Miller says; it is illegitimate because his argument is entirely in the ad hominem, and he offers absolutely nothing in the way of practical criticism about the issues OWS address. If he were to go on to say, like so many of his opinion, that OWS has no clear message, than, like his company, he's repeating the lie often enough in the delusion that his lie will become truth. And I may not have "read" his comics, but the films based on his work, while intriguing for a moment or two, are dismissible eye candy.

Nov 15 11 - 2:57am

I actually do agree with everything he says. Well, up until the muslim terrorist part, which I agree is a very bad thing, but has nothing to do with OWS. He got off track on that one.

Miller is not judging,he's stating a fact as to what's happened. Rapes,murders,drug dealings and doings, and a bunch of useful idiots trying to restart the 60's, and you all blindly jump on the bandwagon.

Well,when people so seemingly ignorantly dismiss someone simply cause they've never heard of them, I can't help but assume they are the type who,how do I word this?,yeah, if they aren't in the tabloid headlines, you assume they aren't important or talented.

Also,try to be a little more open minded and actually read Millers work,it's fantastic, and don't let the politics cloud your judgement on him.

Nov 15 11 - 3:00am

OWS doesn't have a clear message. Or it does, and it's more crazyness. Of course you can dismiss him,you can agree or not with whomever you want, but someone doesn't even know the person or there work,I don't know if ignorance is the right word, but it does make you sound like you don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I disagree that 300 is dismissable eye candy. I can see why some might say that, but if it's just dismissable eye candy, then why did it get people to argue what the movie was really about? Some saw it as an allegory about U.S/Middle East conflicts, some not so good. So if it's just dismissable eye candy, then why did it get people debating these things?

Nov 15 11 - 9:56am
Skinny Puppy

"Dig it, economic slaves."

Nov 14 11 - 4:11pm

It's a age thing. The older you get, the more you become conservative.

Nov 15 11 - 12:18am

Actually, there've been pretty extensive studies that say that's not true. There was one guy (forget his name, too tired/sick to look it up) who analyzed the political leanings of thousands of people over a 30-year time span and found that people generally maintain the same political views throughout their life. Older people tend to be more conservative because of generational differences, not just because they're old. Also, the definitions of liberal and conservative change over an entire lifetime.

Nov 14 11 - 4:15pm

I think "rapists" was the point when it went straight to crazy town.

Nov 15 11 - 12:28am

Actually there was an alleged rape @ Occupy Cleveland... super sad.

Nov 14 11 - 4:21pm

Bear in mind this is coming from the creator of "Holy Terror," which is the most racist piece of propaganda bullshit I've seen in ages. He's a very talented artist and he got old and went batshit insane.

Nov 14 11 - 8:45pm

I was going to say, if anyone is seriously unaware that Miller has gone a bit mad with right-wing fervor, they haven't been keeping up with him.

Nov 15 11 - 3:01am

So it exposes the truth about islamist terrorists, and you call it racist?

Nov 14 11 - 5:43pm

Ugggghhhhhhhh Frank Miller whyyyyyyyy. :(

Nov 14 11 - 11:34pm

Finally, someone who make sense. Thank you Frank Miller!

Nov 15 11 - 9:55pm

TL, DR. In closing, Sin City and 300 sucked.

Nov 20 11 - 5:13pm

If you're reading this, you're all set, pradenr!

Nov 24 11 - 1:07pm

Af0B4J wrjlxufzobtz

Now you say something