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A gay judge in Texas has announced that she will no longer perform marriages until gay marriage is legalized. By way of explanation, here's what Dallas County Judge Tonya Parker had to say:

"I don't perform marriage ceremonies because we are in a state that does not have marriage equality, and until does, I am not going to partially apply the law to one group of people that doesn't apply to another group of people. And it's kind of oxymoronic for me to perform ceremonies that can't be performed for me, so I'm not going to do it. [...] I do not perform them because it is not an equal application of the law. Period." 

Parker added that the ability to perform marriages is a "right and a privilege" that she's choosing to opt out of. She also discussed her policies on terminology in her court, and her strict rule that "homosexual" not be used interchangeably with "child molester" in cases, something that happens all too often. She also makes a point of including the term "partner" when telling jurors not to discuss details of a case with their spouses.

"What I want to do is help those folks to have dignity in that moment that they are with me to know that I see you," Parker said. "I see you and in that I have reflected to them that I have respect for them."

What. A. Boss. Watch a video of Parker's comments below, and here's hoping more people in the legal profession follow her lead on these issues.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Feb 24 12 - 11:49pm

I love everything about this. Although I will say that the only way it could have been better was if it was a heterosexual standing up for gay rights, somehow amongst politicians I think it would hold more weight. But still, this is a great example I hope more judges will follow until it is legal for homosexuals to marry everywhere in the nation.

Feb 25 12 - 2:04am
mein gott

It's an activist judge! jk, i'm glad someone's standing up like this. Although, it's going to be a long wait in a state like Texas. Maybe she just wanted a vacation?

Feb 25 12 - 11:26am
In related news... one cares about an attention-whore judge.

Mar 02 12 - 7:30am

Only fools will accept homosexual marriage. Ask the judge whether He has even seen two male or female dogs sexing themselves before. You think you have rights to do everything but dont forget God also has mandate power for everything.

Apr 05 12 - 3:18pm

Your argument seems to be that homosexuality doesn't exist in non-humans. Please take note:

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