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All-American Muslim

Last week, TLC horrified us all with the most uncomfortable kiss in pop culture history. (Dream on, you Jersey Shore kids.) Now, it has the audacity to suggest that not all Muslims are terrorists with its series All-American Muslim. Do these people know no limits?

The Florida Family Association is attempting to shut down the reality show by petitioning the advertisers. You can get an idea of the rhetoric in the group's emails through this Florida Family Association statement:

"The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish. Clearly this program is attempting to manipulate Americans into ignoring the threat of jihad and to influence them to believe that being concerned about the jihad threat would somehow victimize these nice people in this show."

Apparently the crazy ramblings of a bunch of xenophobic retirees proved persuasive for Lowe's, which pulled its ads this week. Lowe's says it didn't pull the ads due to one group's complaints, but the Florida Family Association claims to have evidence suggesting otherwise. The organization posted a letter, allegedly from a Lowe's rep, reading, "While we continue to advertise on various cable networks, including TLC, there are certain programs that do not meet Lowe's advertising guidelines, including the show that you brought to our attention. Lowe's will no longer be advertising on that program."

The Florida Family Association is further insisting that it won Home Depot and Sweet'n Low over, but both companies are countering that they only bought one ad during the show. Meanwhile, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has proved itself as the only voice of sanity thus far in this whole debacle. Here's its statement:

"Sadly, corporations, such as Lowe's, have succumbed to the idiocracy of such garbage campaigns, which are orchestrated by groups and organizations which lack credibility, legitimacy, and are founded on the basic notions of bigotry and racism reminiscent of a shameful era in this country's history."

The committee further asked its members to contact Lowe's about the incident and support the TLC show. Which sounds pretty jihadist, wouldn't you say?

Commentarium (21 Comments)

Dec 10 11 - 3:39pm

Well, after all, it IS what I commanded of ye all in mine Good Book (Olde Testemony Version), to goeth out and slayeth all thine infidel filth that worshippeth not thine God thy only God. So be it! I shalt reserve seats of honor at mine table for thee Floridian Family Association!

Sincerely, Sata - ah, er, God.

Dec 10 11 - 4:10pm

What's it about religion that makes people stupid?

Dec 10 11 - 6:22pm

Well, you start with the idea that faith is to be held supreme over reason, and you build an entire institution around it.

Dec 10 11 - 6:52pm

Eh, don't blame religion as a whole. Even without it, people would still find ways to be shitty and awful (e.g. racism, sexism, insane political views, etc.). Besides, this is more about xenophobia than anything else.

Dec 11 11 - 1:17am

On the other hand, people tend to use religion as justification for being shitty and awful in all of the ways mentioned above. You have to wonder what their excuses would be if religion didn't exist.

Dec 11 11 - 7:03am

The guy who shot up Norway wasn't particularly religious (or at least, he didn't justify his actions through religion). He was just extremely xenophobic, hateful, and kind of a right wing nut. Source:

Or, to go the other way with it, there are plenty of atheists who are also bigots. It's awful, but not a logical contradiction, to believe that there is no god but that some groups of people are genetically inferior.

Dec 11 11 - 4:22pm

It really seems to be more about religion, since Muslims are people who practice the Islamic religion. If the show were called "All-American Middle Eastern person", or "All-American Iraqi", etc., then I think it would be xenophobic.

Dec 13 11 - 3:20am
ridic is a moron

Behring Breivik was a self-proclaimed "Christian Crusader". Sure, not religious at all!

Dec 10 11 - 11:26pm

If the south tries to secede again... I think we should just let them.

Dec 10 11 - 11:27pm

Clearly we are not all on the same page.

Dec 11 11 - 3:30pm

don't dis the south for a few bad apples, their are enough wackos seeded throughout the entire country to keep the FBI busy for decades.

Dec 11 11 - 8:00am

P.S. Wanna find a casual encounter, ___CasualLoving dot com__ is a good place. Best wishes.

Dec 11 11 - 10:48am
Judi W. Morgan

Religion: the root of all evil...:)

Dec 11 11 - 5:11pm

Yep, that explains Chairman Mao to a T, then.

Dec 11 11 - 3:18pm

At the same time, Muslims really are evil. In St. Louis, some of them attacked an Arab man and carved a Jewish star in his back with a knife. IN ST. LOUIS. So let me ask you, are these ordinary Americans?

Dec 11 11 - 5:07pm
Just Sayin

At the same time, People in general can be evil. In Switzerland, some of them attacked a pregnant lady and carved SVP, the initials for an extreme rightwing political party, which fiercely opposes immigration, into her stomach and legs. IN SWITZERLAND. So let me ask you, are these ordinary People?

Dec 11 11 - 3:28pm

The Floridian Family Association is the USA's very own terrorist group. They should be punished and disbanded for their acts of terrorism on our own people. Let them preach from prison cells and to the other inmates only. Free peoples should have zero tolerance for any kind of terrorism, homegrown or not. I do not care who anyone worships or how, provided no one gets hurt, and i never see or hear it.

Dec 11 11 - 5:22pm

Now I'm going to avoid Florida at all costs...

Dec 11 11 - 7:04pm

oh, they don't just live in Florida....there's a group of religious fanataics that protest at soldiers funerals, not from florida...and so many more....i think we need to sweep those cults under the proverbial rug.

Dec 12 11 - 2:25pm

If all Muslims are terrorists, are all Christians self-righteous douchebags?

Dec 13 11 - 11:44pm


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