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Harvey Keitel might replace Steve Carell on "The Office"

If Michael Scott was real, watched his own show, and was asked to pick an actor to replace himself, something tells me that he'd sound a lot like Paul Lieberstein, the executive producer who wants Harvey Keitel to replace Steve Carrell as the boss of The Office. "He's probably the only guy who can do it," Lieberstein said of Keitel, preemptively hurting the feelings of whichever actor actually ends up getting the role.

But still, the man has a point. Bringing in, say, Rhys Darby or Danny McBride would simply maintain The Office's status as a really good show, whereas someone with Keitel's deadpan intensity could elevate the sitcom to the level of high art, perhaps on par with one of those Hal Hartley films in your Netflix queue.

Or something. For now, this scenario is merely one producer's wish. In the meantime, we want to know who you think should move into Michael Scott's office. Discuss in the comments!

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Sep 02 10 - 10:15am
Stuckina Parkbench

If not Keitel, it should come down to a casting duel between Henry Rollins and Glenn Beck. (Beck's Dilbert vibe may give him the edge).

Sep 02 10 - 10:54am

@Stuckina: Currently, Michael Scott is played as an idiot for laughs by someone in on the joke; with Beck, we would get Michael Scott played seriously by an idiot who doesn't understand that he's a joke.

Sep 02 10 - 11:03am

@VoR: Nobody else is going to play Michael Scott. It's a new character played by a new actor, so precedent is irrelevant.

Sep 02 10 - 6:04pm

Oh my God, Glenn Beck would be so fantastic. Can you imagine the ratings bump?

Feb 16 11 - 9:24am

Three ideas for a new "boss:" Willem Dafoe, Peter Sarsgaard or Christopher Walken. Really, anyone who can play a sort of humorless "controlled creepiness" would be perfect. James Spader?

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