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The Simpsons shocks with Katy Perry oral-sex joke

This week's episode of The Simpsons ended with a remarkably provocative joke involving skeevy bartender Moe Szyslak (a registered sex offender!) giving oral sex to not-especially-musical, yet bosomy, pop star Katy Perry. In another attempt to switch things up, the episode also featured the Simpson family reimagined as Muppets for some reason, so Perry actually played herself instead of just lending her voice. The joke:

[Moe attempts to kiss Perry, but can't reach her face, because he's a three-foot-tall Muppet]

Moe: I'll just kiss your belly-button.

Perry: Oh, that's not my belly-button! ... But I didn't say stop.

Shockola! Was this a tangential reference to the Katy Perry Sesame Street controversy? Or part of an ongoing campaign to enrage Bill O'Reilly (a notorious hater of puppet-sex and other comic perversions)? Who can say?

Tags Katy Perry

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Dec 07 10 - 12:44pm

Lucky muppet.

Dec 07 10 - 1:09pm

First that slut tried to no avail to shop her tits around Sesame Street, now she's marking her territory by leaving her scent all over the The Simpsons. Will it never end?

Dec 07 10 - 1:23pm
Captain Obvious

It was her vagina

Dec 08 10 - 10:55am

That episode made me feel used.

Dec 09 10 - 3:14am

Will her naked pictures be leaked already?

Dec 15 10 - 4:00pm

Captain Obvious for President.

Now you say something

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