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The clock on Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter career has all but run out, so it makes sense that he'd start sniffing around for a new line of work. You know, in case it turns out people don't want to cast him in movies because audiences will never be able to not think him as a boy wizard, even if he's playing a Nazi informant or school janitor or whatever. And so last night on Jimmy Fallon's little late-night show, Radcliffe tried his hand at stand-up comedy. Don't blink!

His next performance will be at this year's O'Henry Pun-Off World Championships, which is a lie.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Apr 26 11 - 11:30am

oh, that was terrible. I love him.

Apr 26 11 - 3:08pm


Jul 22 11 - 10:01am

I have been so bweidlered in the past but now it all makes sense!

Now you say something

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