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What do Keith Olberman, Barack Obama, the ladies of The View and your ex-wife all have in common? They're all people Fox News viewers would like to see waterboarded. Fox Business host, Eric Bolling, read off this list of desired torture victims on air yesterday with a cavalier grin. Think of it as his way of celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden, whom he claims "was gotten through waterboarding, simple as that" (despite numerous reports to the contrary). 

Regardless of your thoughts on the questionable means of interrogation, it's a sadly hilarious state of affairs when a news program debate devolves into a middle-school-style revenge fantasy, (even if it airs on a network with a dubious reputation). On next week's episode, look forward to a rousing round of "marry, fuck, kill" featuring Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton and Michele Bachmann. 

Commentarium (40 Comments)

May 05 11 - 9:40pm

"On next week's episode look forward to a rousing round of "marry, fuck, kill" featuring Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton and Michele Bachmann."

Amazingly sexist. You equate an interrogation technique designed to compel someone to provide information with rape and murder?

It's amazing how misogynist Hooksexup has become, simply amazing. And really, really disgusting.

May 05 11 - 11:00pm

Where exactly was rape mentioned?
Torture is bararic and information gathered under torture is useless.

May 05 11 - 11:12pm

Yes, I'm sure "marry, fuck, kill" was meant in only the kindest way.

And, please save your tripe about torture. If waterboarding is torture, I was tortured - as were several of my classmates - when I went through SERE school.

May 05 11 - 11:40pm

Blah Blah Blah SERE school. There is a hell of a lot of difference between being waterboarded in the context of a continuous, systematic, and unyielding program designed to break someone as in Gitmo and a one time initiation where you know everything will be a-ok once you get through it and you can choose to quit if you cannot take it. If you do not choose to be waterboarded, it is torture.

May 05 11 - 11:48pm

Blah, blah, blah. Good retort, Ted. And let me add, duhhhhh. Thanks for adding your definition of torture. It adds exactly nothing to the conversation.

@David - Care to back up your contention that information gathered under torture is useless? Good luck on that, in advance.

May 06 11 - 4:07am

If the game of "marry, fuck, kill" would have been Barack Obama, Glenn Beck, and George W. Bush it would have been ok, huh?

And it's a widely accepted fact that torture isn't as effective as good interrogation. People being tortured will say anything to end the pain.

May 06 11 - 5:56am


Shut up, Publius, you pathetic troll.

May 06 11 - 9:32am

@Groan. No, thanks!

May 06 11 - 9:35am

@Steve - I don't consider it a game.

The "widely accepted" fact is not, in fact, widely accepted or accurate. Also, water boarding is not torture. Listening to people prattle on about that which they don't understand is worse.

May 06 11 - 10:20am

To anyone who thinks waterboarding isn't torture: go ahead and have someone do it to you, multiple times a day, for days on end, and then we'll ask you whether or not you felt like you were being tortured.

"@David - Care to back up your contention that information gathered under torture is useless? Good luck on that, in advance."

I guess you can't quite figure out google, because all you'd have to do is search "studies on torture" for evidence provided by neuroscientists, proving the fact that information gathered through means of torture is completely unreliable.

May 06 11 - 10:26am

Oh, google. Why didn't you say so? I stand corrected.

May 06 11 - 10:42am

Exactly. The idea that torture is wrong is such a simple notion, even google can produce articles full of scientific evidence. Evidence that even the feeble-minded can understand. Imagine that.

May 06 11 - 12:36pm

Sadly, I suspect you believe what you've written. I suspect you're against the UBL assassination as well?

May 06 11 - 1:01pm

I believe what I've written because what I think isn't born out of hatred and ethnocentrism. It's based on facts, proven through multiple scientific studies. The fact that you're so closed minded about science is truly appalling. I'm sure you think it's just one big conspiracy that time and time again, studies have shown that people in extreme amounts of pain will say anything that a torturer wants to hear, just to get the pain to stop. That's not reliable information. For the record, I wasn't opposed to the death of bin Laden. Although, I suspect you were one of the people cheering in the streets.

May 06 11 - 1:04pm

See how easy that was? If you make me look wrong, I'll distract you with a straw man!

May 06 11 - 2:20pm

No, you do a good enough job of making yourself look wrong. I just comment on it.

May 06 11 - 2:30pm

A true believer is never wrong!

May 06 11 - 3:20pm

When the guest Publius is finished, I'll be back. I am so successful at routing the liberal argument that some have to use my nick in an attempt to defame. It's a shame their rhetorical skills aren't stronger but I am flattered by the imitation.

May 06 11 - 3:59pm

I am a one man fan club of myself!

May 06 11 - 4:00pm

I'm going to pat myself on the back now.

May 06 11 - 4:00pm

Thanks you!

May 06 11 - 4:00pm

No, thank YOU!

May 06 11 - 4:48pm

I bet you're the guy who posts as BarryO2012 on the Fox News forums too, aren't ya?

May 06 11 - 10:27pm

@Steve - No but I'll look into it. Sounds like fun although I certainly wouldn't use that nick.

May 06 11 - 10:35pm

It's good to be loved.

May 06 11 - 1:00am
I've Heard

I'm a feminist who's against torture, imagine that. It's almost like all people have equal rights or something. I also don't find MFK inherently sexist; it's lookist, it's judgmental, but it's not called Marry, Coerce/trick/force into having sex with you, Kill.

May 06 11 - 8:11am

Yep, you can play Marry, Shag (as we say here in the UK), Kill with male choices. Or genderqueer ones. Or a mixture.

May 06 11 - 10:27am

@I've Heard - against torture but not against killing. Fascinating.

May 06 11 - 1:30am

You guys are all idiots.

May 06 11 - 3:05am

Yep, you guys are arguing with each other on the internet. Way to get your point across.....

May 06 11 - 4:10am

Hey! Interpreter is a crusader! And they are apparently a SEAL Or Recon Marine or PJ or some sort of super soldier who cares about all the women who can't defend themselves from being married or fucked or killed.

May 06 11 - 9:36am

@Steve - You don't care about violence against women? Interesting.

May 06 11 - 10:54am

Ah, right wing trolls. They will 'defend' women once in their lives, if that can give them an edge in their righteous fight to defend torture. You guys are amazing.

May 06 11 - 12:38pm

@Attention Deficit Disorder - You're the one defending the amazingly misogyny of Hooksexup.

May 06 11 - 4:44pm

@GroaningPubliusTroll - No, I'm against people who can't take a fucking joke and are too busy sucking their own dicks on top of their moral high horse.

May 06 11 - 10:30pm

@Steve - It's a funny joke. What next, Al Jolson skits?

I realize it's probably no fun to live in your mother's basement but "too busy sucking their own dicks on top of their moral high horse?" A single horse? Wow. When is high school over?

May 06 11 - 10:53am

Wow the comments on here are truly enlightening. It's devolved into a Kindergarten. What's next? PeeWee's famous "I know you are but what am I? " nonsense?

May 06 11 - 3:21pm

The kindergarten approach would be an improvement.

May 06 11 - 6:35pm
Fy Nanshuls

I'll nominate some cases for waterboarding: the financial geniuses who caused the financial crisis that destroyed the US economy. Why did they do it? What were they hoping to accomplish? How can they be stopped from doing it again? Inquiring minds want to know.

May 09 11 - 12:20pm

Barney Frank waterboarded? Not a spectacle I care to see.

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