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Watch: Jon Cryer admits that he really is a troll

Poor Jon Cryer: not only did his Two and a Half Men costar Charlie Sheen go completely batshit and jeopardize the best gig he's had since his days as Duckie, but in the midst of all this, Sheen outed him as a "turncoat, traitor, and a troll." Bravely, Cryer has decided to face the charges head-on, and took to Conan last night to confess, "I am a troll."

Watch the above clip as Cryer comes clean, explains that no, he doesn't bake cookies in trees (that's for elves), and tells his fellow trolls "It Gets Better."  

Comments ( 2 )

Mar 11 11 at 11:27 am

turn on "try a little tenderness" and get back in the saddle, Jon!

Mar 12 11 at 2:06 am

I am so tired of Charlie Sheen. What an egotistic blow hard loser. He is not that talented and hasn't done anything worth while since Wall Street. The original not the sequel. He sucked when he tried to fill Michael J Fox's shoes and he hasn't gotten any better. I don't care what he is doing next.

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