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Art school getting a video game

Art Academy the video game for Nintendo DS.

Art school kids, return those Prismacolor pencils and that prohibitively expensive Adobe CS5! Free yourself from the humiliation of tortuous critiques and having to pretend to like Black Dice! That's right, Nintendo DS has announced that it'll be releasing Art Academy, a new video game that provides you with a "group of consecutive art lessons," as well as a "free draw tool."

According to Mashable, the game will unfortunately not feature "story lines, characters, and game play," so those looking for the full art school experience will have to keep perfecting their RISD apps and fixed-gear bikes.

Or you could just learn it from a book. But if you're one of the seemingly increasing number of bibliophobes, then Art Academy launches on October 25.

Art Academy video game for Nintendo DS.

Comment ( 1 )

Oct 21 10 at 11:08 am

If there's no Max Minghella avatar, I don't want to play it.

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