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It was only a matter of time. A man in Egypt has named his newborn daughter Facebook in honor of the social network's pivotal role in the country's political revolution. A major supporter of civilian protests, he was apparently so pleased with the use of social media as a mobilizing force, he felt majorly in Mark Zuckerberg's debt.

The girl's full name is Facebook Jamal Ibrahim, which I guess flows better than AOL or Yahoo Jamal Ibrahim. Personally, I would have gone with Twitter. It's both relevant and adorable.  Plus, the bird logo would look great as a border in a baby's room, right?

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Comments ( 6 )

Feb 21 11 at 9:36 am

Oh, I dunno. Jacquizz, Tejay, Arrelious, NuKeese, Boo and Da'Rel come to mind, good, strong American names for children kinda top that. Mispronounced phonetics seem to rule the country.

Feb 21 11 at 12:04 pm

Perhaps the key point here is that it's his daughter? Would he have been so cavalier about a son's name?

Feb 21 11 at 12:26 pm


Feb 21 11 at 2:43 pm

If this kid ever gets on facebook, there will be one hell of a coding problem

Feb 21 11 at 2:57 pm

Biggest frown on my face right now.

Feb 21 11 at 8:56 pm

And how is that pronounced?

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