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Jack Black as Nathan Spewman in the Mis-Informant

Jack Black is trying his hand at anti-corporate activism — and pretending to be an eight-year old with a mustache. I'll let you guess which one he seems better suited for. Health Care For America Now, a grassroots association working for better healthcare and to support Obama's recent health legislation has created the first of a series of viral videos — hoping to motivate a Democratic vote in the midterm elections.

Jack Black, or Nathan Spewman, infiltrates a second-grade class, claiming to have "Enlargitis," as a corporate mole of sorts, paid to brainwash children. He does this by whispering things like: "Hey, did you see that popular children's program last night? It was rad. Did you hear Obama is going to kill our grandparents?"

Regardless of how funny you think it is (An office conversation just went like this: "I actually think Jack Black is really annoying." "Me too." "Me too." "Yep, super annoying."), I'm always pleased to see famous people getting politically involved. Ok, not always, but definitely when they're supporting things I agree with. Like healthcare!

Commentarium (17 Comments)

Oct 14 10 - 9:32am

That little girl is pretty awesome though.

Oct 15 10 - 10:02pm

I was hoping it was a "The Interrupter" take-off. I'd laugh at that.

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