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Links: A Fourth of July P.S.A. for hipsters

FunnyOrDie is one of the most consistently on-point hipster-skewering sites, mostly because they rely on specific, bitingly accurate references instead of just yelling "Die hipster scum" repeatedly, which seems to be the reaction most commonly chosen by most of the internet. Their "Hipster Shore" Fourth of July PSA addresses the perils of CUI: cycling under the influence.

G.I. Jane is about the extent of my knowledge about women in the military. Which is why it's great that Good has produced this helpful infographic about women in the military. Flippant jokes aside, this highlights a lot of the real issues faced by women in the military, all of whom are braver and more badass than I will ever be.

All of you English majors out there: here's something to peruse before you head to your job waiting tables (hahaaha...*sobbing*). Funny to all of us who had to internalize large chunks of the original, this parody, The Elements of F*cking Style, is a hilarious guide to, like, you know, words and grammar and crap.

Look, I don't care if you're the most hardcore badass ever to hammer out three palm-muted chords: Daft Punk is scientifically proven to make you dance. It's a fact. And the star of this next video, who looks like he could go toe-to-toe with Terry Crews (though probably not in karaoke), is stellar proof of that fact: he also happens to do it harder, better, faster, and stronger than anyone else.

I had a friend who was a tattoo artist, and he shared with me his top five worst tattoos, the ones that he just had to grit his teeth and work on, silently seething: girl/boy's name, band name, Chinese characters, cartoon characters, and anything tribal. He mentioned nothing about zombie animals, which are apparently quite the popular selection, judging by this gallery.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Jul 01 11 - 1:01am

when a fad die's the one's who are living it are the last to know.............

Jul 04 11 - 3:04pm

The CUI PSA is pretty funny, but heed the message. I used to cycle home from work down this long hill where even without pedaling I could hit 35mph (got clocked by a really amused cop once at 43 on his radar [no ticket]). One night I went for after work beer which turned into a whole evening of beer, as sometimes (OK often) happens and zoomed down there fully loaded. Scared the crap out of myself.

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