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Would you believe that 45% of people in India believe in extraterrestrial life? No? Well, how about that one in five people worldwide believe that there are aliens walking among us? If only Rowdy Roddy Piper could beat me up in a trash-filled alleyway in order to make me wear me a pair of glasses that could confirm this. Oh well, a girl can dream.

Jenny. Jenny. Who can I turn to? Let me clarify: who can I turn to in my quest for discounted groceries? Apparently, Tommy Tutone. A reader-submitted "Life Hack" to Parent Hack tells of people turning to the iconic number from Tommy Tutone's 1982 slice of ubiquity, "867-5309/Jenny," and using it to obtain supermarket discounts. The gist of the situation is that at some point, some smartass has probably used that number to sign up for a supermarket discount card while attempting to avoid phone calls, so you can use the number anytime you want to get discounts without your own card. 

Speaking of parents, some of them are terrible. And not just terrible at parenting, like the ones that let their screaming nightmare spawn run around restaurants while I try to enjoy my meal, but Casey Anthony terrible (ooh, topical!). Here are thirteen of them. Count your blessings your parents weren't more like this.

I actually can't really fathom anything more terrifying than a combined Furry/Star Trek convention, but apparently somebody's got plans for it —  enjoy this gallery of insane Star Trek fan art.

Personally, I got pissed when Viagra used a Howlin' Wolf song for one of their commercials because Howlin' Wolf was composed entirely of pure testosterone (and wolves), but apparently getting an erection also means it's okay to dance through your neighborhood to Queen. And that if you're a woman, your menstrual cycle is just another obstacle nature has placed in your way, like bears or werewolves.

Commentarium (16 Comments)

Jul 07 11 - 6:04pm

Several of the aliens pretend to be me. They are revealed only by an inability to form a coherent thought, poor command of the English language and an inexplicable compulsion to sniff jocks.

Jul 07 11 - 7:58pm

when did jock sniffer become the preferred hate-slang around here?

Jul 08 11 - 6:40am

It's not hate speech where I come from. It started with someone who wanted to be athletic but wasn't so he hung out with jocks. I think it now means just a waanabe.

Jul 08 11 - 9:49am

Now there's some command of the English language for you.

Jul 08 11 - 11:25am


Jul 11 11 - 8:44pm
Boson Higgs

Publius, Mom said you have to go to bed now! And get off my computer, and don't leave your kleenexes laying around either.

Jul 07 11 - 7:15pm

Some of those Star Trek fan art pictures are awesome! Dr.Who meets Star Trek TOS! Come on! THAT'S awesome!

Jul 07 11 - 7:16pm

Also, and at the risk of sounding like a Trek ubernerd, those art pieces alone show why TOS is WWWWAAAYYYY better than TNG.

Jul 08 11 - 2:48am

I am clearly not an ubernerd because I don't know what TOS means. I did think some of those were cool though. The Reservoir Dogs and Spock/Lincoln were my faves.

Jul 08 11 - 2:49am

I am however officially an alien. It says so on my Green Card.

Jul 08 11 - 6:14pm

I knew it!

Jul 07 11 - 10:19pm
A Lee Ann

I am one of the aliens who walks among you. All your base are belong to us.

Jul 11 11 - 8:45pm
Boson Higgs


Jul 08 11 - 4:48am

In other news;
One in five people are clinically insane.

Jul 08 11 - 10:18am
G Unit

Life on other planets is highly likely. The chance it looks just like us enough to pass for human is slim.

Jul 11 11 - 8:45pm

What a hack and cliche article.

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