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Naked Guy Stuck In Truck

The mysterious man who was seen naked in the trunk of a car on Google Street View has disappeared. Well, not literally vanished, but the image of him sitting in the boot of a small convertible in Mannheim, Germany is no longer online, and the internet is deeply, depply saddened.

CNet mused: "So one waits with cross-legged anticipation to find out whether something exciting, dangerous, or possibly even criminal might have been happening here. Or whether this was really just a (possibly) naked guy cleaning the junk in his trunk."

Tom's Guide speculated: "My theory is that this man is not naked at all, but wearing shorts. His dog has just died, and he’s trying to see if the body will fit in the boot of his car by seeing if he can fit himself in there."

I say that the man is recently divorced and does not know how to clean. He's like the guy who redoes his kitchen floor, then realized he's boxed himself into the middle and cannot move. Perhaps he climbed into the trunk to clean it, taking off his clothes so as not to "soil" the carpeting in there... you know what? Never mind. There is no possible explanation for this photo except an optical illusion. Bad craziness.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Nov 24 10 - 11:26am

Given that the guy as a warning triangle viewable when the trunk is open, I'd say he's just another anal German - so to speak.

Nov 24 10 - 4:35pm

Where is the top of the dog's hindquarters and tail?

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