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antiGravity by Andrew Brucker
photography by Andrew Brucker
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
When they won't commit, here's when to quit. Plus: ethical adultery?
Sex Advice From Accordion Players by Catherine Adcock
Q: How much is too much masturbation?
A: I don't think there's too much . . . unless it's interfering with your accordion practice.
In Good Company by Will Doig
Legendary DJ Mr. Len aims to change hip-hop with his latest title: CEO. *music issue*
The Legend of Saturday Night by Steven Kurutz
An oral history of the world's most famous disco. *music issue*
Smut City by Ryan Kennedy
It's the filthiest music in the world, and it's in . . . Baltimore?*music issue*
Toronto Calling by Bruce LaBruce
Meet the Hidden Cameras, Canada's premier gay socialist sex-worshipping indie-pop symphony. *music issue*
Inspiration Point by Andy Duncan
A survey of responses to the "What music puts you in the mood?" question on Hooksexup Personals. *music issue*
Don't Croon at Me, John Mayer by Amy Keyishian
I'm onto your game. *music issue*
Let It Be. . . Naked by Grant Stoddard
Say you want a revelation about the Beatles' sex lives? This member of their inner circle has a few. *music issue*
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Mint condoms, fishing-as-pornography, and racecar driving sexpot Danica Patrick.
The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
Our favorite online video. This week: geek fantasies run amok in a film titled . . . Geek Fantasies.
Postcards From Fist City by Kate Sullivan
The country lyricists' guide to dating, mating and beating down the piece of trash next door. *music issue*
Anarchy in the People's Republic by Justin Clark
My punk ambassadorship to China. *music issue*
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.
That Obscure Object of Desire by Margaret Wappler
The authors of The Rock Snob's Dictionary. condescend to us. *music issue*
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
The orally averse boyfriend; when your partner's sexual past is tough to swallow.
Afternoon Delight by Patryce Bak
You wouldn't get out of bed either.
Sex Advice From . . . Star Wars Fans by William Bright
Q: What Star Wars fantasy is best played out in the bedroom?
A: Anything with a chase involving lots of male stormtroopers.
Bodies, Rest and Motion by Ron Amato
Men of leisure.
Film Reviews by Bilge Ebiri and Logan Hill
The Exorcist prequel should have been banished; Tell Them Who You Are is a documentary tribute enlivened by real-life director-subject squabbling. Plus, Date DVD.
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Ass Backwards
by K. Keck

When I was sixteen my mom confessed to me that she had a vibrator, which a friend had given to her, but which she never used. She just liked to keep it around "for laughs."
     Within a day I found the vibrator and immediately plunged it into my own ass while in a fit of vigorous masturbation. I could spend the rest of my life in analysis and never get to the bottom of that one. In fact, I don't even know why I felt the need to stimulate my prostate (I wasn't even aware I had one), unless on some level my ass knew that such an act of appropriating your mother's sex toys is the modern equivalent of killing your father.
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