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Death and the Maiden
by Anna Davies

Like most of New York, I shivered when I heard the news reports about the murder of Immette St. Guillen, the pretty twenty-four year old in her last year of a criminal justice degree who disappeared from a downtown bar. The next day, her body was found brutally tortured, raped and strangled in a desolate area in Brooklyn. Media coverage has cast her as either an angel or as a belligerent, foolish drunk — she shouldn't have had so much to drink, she shouldn't have gone to a bar by herself, she provoked the bouncer, she should have known better. But she was just another twentysomething girl in New York, flirting with danger.
   The summer I was twenty, I woke up in the apartment of a bouncer who worked at a grungy Upper West Side bar . . .

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