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getting around

I went to Brazil with three goals: (1) to not get kidnapped, (2) to learn Portuguese, and (3) to have sex with a Brazilian. Of course, truth is, I was really only set on one of those. Before I left, about a dozen friends, on hearing that I was going to Brazil, had told me at length how much ass I was going to get.

"Man," one friend said, "you are going to clean up. Have you seen pictures from Carnaval?"

"Well," said another, "just be thankful you don't have a girlfriend."

"Dude," said a third with a faraway look in his eyes. "Brazil, man. Brazil."

This went on for about two weeks. I would tell people where I was going, and the reaction was always the same. Always, "Man, I can't wait to hear those stories," or "Damn, you're going to have an amazing time," or, simply, "Dude." It's understandable; Brazil occupies a peculiar place in the American imagination — a sort of sexual Eden of beaches, all-night dancing, and beautiful, hot-blooded, willing people. The fact that it's a fairly conservative, very Catholic country doesn't jibe with that image, and is therefore generally forgotten.

By the time I got on the plane, all the expectations were making me very nervous. I'd like to say that I'm not susceptible to peer pressure, that I wouldn't turn a month-long, possibly revelatory backpacking trip through Brazil into a quest for foreign hook-ups. I'd like to say that I'm above treating an entire nation's women as a collection of sex objects.

I'd like to say.

Two weeks into my trip, I remained un-laid. Brazilian girls — especially in Rio — were very free about making out, but that was basically it. More than one frustrated foreigner told me (word-for-word, making me think that this was some kind of expat aphorism) that "kissing's like shaking hands here. But more than that — forget it."

Every time I talked to a girl, I felt sure that to her, I was just another gringo looking for ass.

I was beginning to suspect that the "willingness" of Brazilians had been highly exaggerated. For one thing, most Brazilians live with their parents well past college, meaning that sex, when it happens, has to happen at a motel or love-hotel. There's no culture of, "Hey, you want to come back and have a drink/smoke a bowl/see my etchings?" There's no "back" to come to, no subtle way of saying, "Hey, I maybe want to have sex with you." It's either a motel or nothing. So, night after night, that meant nothing. I began to get anxious.

Also guilty. Every time I found myself talking to an attractive girl, flirting in my crappy Portuguese, touching her arm or back, I was struck by the paranoid certainty that to her, I was just another gringo looking for ass. More than once, I had to fight the urge to step back, raise my hands defensively over my head, and say, "Despite the fact that I am foreign, and am somewhat interested in getting into your pants, I am not objectifying you. I respect you as a human being, who happens to be female and Brazilian."

Only my limited Portuguese vocabulary, and the sneaking suspicion that this was not actually true, kept me from doing that. I passed my days in a miasma of desire and guilt. I began to despair.

Then I met Ana.

The first thing Ana ever said to me was, "Your glasses remind me of Sartre."

It was about 12:30 a.m., New Year's Day, and we were standing knee-deep in seawater by the beach in Barra, one of Salvador's suburbs. She leaned in a little too close to say this. She was wearing a simple, white cotton dress, no bra. When she bent towards me to shout over the music, I saw her nipples, a rich coffee against the dark skin of her tiny breasts.

She was staying in the same hostel I was, although we'd never talked before. She was a tiny girl, five-foot-nothing and delicate, with thin, birdlike features. She sat like a bird too, perched on the edge of her seat, her legs crossed, her arms flapping animatedly whenever she got excited. She had a very vaginal tattoo drawn in henna on the back of her hand. I pointed at it and said, "You know, that's kind of dirty."

Her brown cheeks colored slightly. "That's not what it looks like."

I smiled. "Neh?"

She shook her head. "No. I can be a little bit pornographic, but that's not what it looks like."
Maybe in Portuguese that made more sense. But, as I discovered, she liked to talk, and I could more or less follow what she said. And, if she wasn't beautiful, she was at least. . . I don't know. Brazilian.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking it.

Comments ( 100 )

I'm a Brazilian man and I have to agree with big part--if not all-- that you've said. I'm here to explain brazilian's behavior. The kiss description was perfect, "it's like shaking hands, but a little more". We rather kiss first than touching intimate parts, different from you(so I've heard). I can have plenty of sex with brazilian girls for one reason: i've born here. The 'gringos' always came here wanting just sex. Brazilian girls are hot, but not whores(some are). It's easy to have sex, but you need to be respectful and, like you said, we go a lot to motels so you must have the TIMMING to "mandar a real" (make the approach). What do I mean? You must say it in the right time, with right words at the right place.

The way I do: Let's suppose you are on a night club. You've dance a lot, have already kissed and talked a lot, than you start to slip your hands slowly from her back to the top of her ass. Lightly, like you were supporting your hands. The next step is to say the right words, pay attention: "eu estou cansado daqui, vamos para um lugar mais calmo?". This mean something like: "I'm a little bit tired, shall we go to a more peaceful place?". She agreed! Yey! Calm down, that's not guaranteed yet. Get out of the place, that's the harder part, you must say it. I recommend to use humor, usually I say: "I know a good quiet place were we can relax--look with a provocative smile before complete--and also we can have breakfast. THAT'S IT. She'll probably say no at the first, we call that "fazer doce" (means to want sex but say no at first to doesn't seem to whore). Use your charm, be nice, do never use force and probably you'll get laid!!!

ALX commented on Nov 19 09 at 9:53 am

As a brazilian girl, I think this Ana was too easy... She was, probably, a prostitute. What was that henna tattoo thing? That's totally a bitch-thing! If she was not a prostitute, she was probably too ugly to get laid with a brazilian man. Probably she was "a perigo"...

Bia commented on Nov 19 09 at 5:11 pm

Brazilians mans say that it's way more easy to get laid with an american girl than with a brazilian girl. But of course the sex is not as good.

A.C. commented on Nov 19 09 at 5:32 pm

Muito bom! O gringo se deu mal!

CAS commented on Nov 19 09 at 5:45 pm

Just because you found yourself an easy girl, it doesn

Dri commented on Nov 19 09 at 6:05 pm

Dude epic! I think it's all a matter of knowing where to go... Having a brazilian friend/player would totally hook u up!

DPZ commented on Nov 19 09 at 6:10 pm

Hey mates, you can say that kind of stuff. I, as a brazilian guy, I'd think the same. Things got crazy here, but the REAL STUFF I'd say you is that these things don't happen only if you when you come here. It's the same freaking shit that happens with us when we travel abroad. We though about the british girls, the american girls, blah blah blah. Don't think it's easier for you then it is for us, cuz the different always comes to mind of every kind of girl. The kiss thing for us is the same as a BJ for you. So don't paint, our girls are whores, cuz yours are as well. I just hope everybody have fun and enjoy life, with responsability, only. I just got some good stories from my trip to Europe and probably will get some other stories to tell my friends when I go to Florida or California next spring break, cuz that's what everybody want, some good sex story to share with their friends. Regs!

OC commented on Nov 19 09 at 7:01 pm

Haha ... I found this cool story, I hope one day to have my American ... also sorry for my bad english =]

Haha...Achei bem legal essa hist

Naty commented on Nov 19 09 at 8:01 pm

I know where u can find sex a ur house,motherfucker!!!!

Devi commented on Nov 19 09 at 9:15 pm

You came here, got a prostitute, paid her so many drinks, took 3 days to get laid with her and you think you are the king? Man, gimme a break!!! your portuguese sucks! YOU suck! Looser bastard...

ELR commented on Nov 19 09 at 10:06 pm

I am a Brazilian woman and after reading this text, I found only one thing: American women are very bad at the same sex. For a man to be dazzled with both a history, it is because the sex they leave much to be desired. We Brazilian women have much to teach them.

Paty commented on Nov 19 09 at 10:36 pm

The cultural difference between Brazil and the United States is immense. We Brazilians we see sexuality differently from you and that does not mean that our way is better or worse than yours. It's just different. Stop the judge extends from the cultural point of view of you. First understand our culture, and then create a view with concrete basement and not only based on data reported by the media.

Paty commented on Nov 19 09 at 10:46 pm

@elr: i'm pretty sure the author doesn't think he's "the king." judging from this flare-up, maybe self-deprecation doesn't really translate.

tmp commented on Nov 19 09 at 10:46 pm

Brazilian girls are hot!!!

PF commented on Nov 19 09 at 10:49 pm

lol -> "We say in S

VHL commented on Nov 20 09 at 11:28 am

I went to the US with 2 goals: not to be killed by some psycho , and find some girl not so fat so I can have sex.

MV commented on Nov 20 09 at 12:25 pm

auhaeuhauehuah Quer sexo f

Ntx commented on Nov 20 09 at 2:05 pm

Im 27 years old Brazilian. I lived in europe (Portugal, Spain, UK and Austria) 4 times, for no longer than a year each time. I strongly disagree if the idea we r more open to talk about sex or to do it.
We all now generalize, its stupid.
But, since my first time abroad, I

AISL commented on Nov 20 09 at 2:51 pm

Your portuguese sucks.

UHX commented on Nov 20 09 at 5:07 pm

Baby, it was a prostitute, or a really, really ugly girl.
Try to get laid with a pretty one, so you'll see what's a hard time...

CFT commented on Nov 20 09 at 8:13 pm

Dude, you should have gone to Rio. My first trip to Rio I got laid by 15 different girls in 10 days.

HFD commented on Nov 21 09 at 1:46 pm

Moron. Then Americans wonder why the whole world hates them.

DD commented on Nov 21 09 at 7:16 am

hahaha it's funny reading this being a brazillian girl. sad, but also funny. look, I was virgin until I was 24, but I've kissed a lot before and surely I'd kissed a cute and nice gringo if I had a chance. But thinking the same thing that girl said. I have had an adventure kissing a foreign guy to tell my friend. Just that. But it's different if the guy will stay here for a long time, we can be friends, then more than friends maybe...

MM commented on Nov 22 09 at 10:15 pm

im a brazilian woman and i must say that this girl was easy. she was probably a prostitute.

medq commented on Nov 23 09 at 9:27 am

I'm from RIO and i think that this fame of brazilian girls be easy to get laid is cause u gringos dont understand "how this girl could be so hot and dont be a sex machine or a prostitute".And then whats happens is that 90 % of the gringos only have sex with "professionals" .Let Me Give U a advice :
Dont get girls at the beaches at night like in the "cal

PMF commented on Nov 24 09 at 12:09 am

about the history above, the girl should be very poor and ugly and not hot and black. Why u gringos come to brazil and only fuck black girls MAN we have the hottest blondes and brunettes in the world(u dont see blondes with real big and no fat bundas(ass) in the us)

PMF commented on Nov 24 09 at 12:17 am

A very important detail is that cities like salvador or rio are big cities (rj have more than 7 million people)so the majority of the persons in the city is not trippin like u gringos that came her looking for fun.You Know We are in our routine not only thinking in sex like when we are travelling.So my advice is go to travelling places like buzios or angra dos reis, both in rio or any place in bahia excepting salvador.

UGAY commented on Nov 24 09 at 12:29 am

0x0 in 2 weeks??? you are soooo loser !!!!

lala commented on Nov 24 09 at 10:56 pm

a whole lot of fuss just for sex, those who travel just for the lure of sex are'nt you gettin' any in your own country??

TF commented on Nov 30 09 at 8:37 am

Well, I have to say that Ana absolutely was a QUENGA DE

LM commented on Dec 02 09 at 10:27 am

Pfff If you don't get laid in Brazil you must be gay. You are thinking way to difficult mate. The way you approuch a girl is not with alot of self esteem, and girls have got a great nose for this. 1 girl in 2 weeks time, were you looking for love or sex that makes a difference. I was getting very simple when I was in Brazil, after 7 girls I had enough in 2 weeks time. Now a very special Brazilian girl is living with me in Holland, and I agree Brazilian Girls are the best.

dp commented on Dec 06 09 at 12:46 am

And by the way Brazil is a beautifull country, infect 2 friends are moved to brazil, because they loved it so much. Brazil has got so many extra's then only girls. Next time I hope you are not such a loser like you were the 1st trip to Brazil. Maybe you can learn something from the Brazilien Culture they have way more to offer then you US guys, like you told me yourself. You are only for the sextourism, so that makes you a very simple minded person.

dp commented on Dec 06 09 at 1:04 pm

And I forgot to tell, what alot of brazilien girls are writing. That it is not possible to have sex with an Brazilien woman who is not a prositute. This is funny because why not? I had sex with a woman who worked for some TV station and I don't know why but she paid everything for me!!! Don't get me wrong I also did pay alot for here. So mirracles do happen haha

dp commented on Dec 06 09 at 1:10 pm

Wow. seriously I lived in the US AND IM BRAZILIAN! its way easier to have sex in the US specially california. BRAZIL IS ALOT HARDER!!!AND brazilian girls are not sluts! please , just because of one experience u cant blame the whole country for it!!

cx commented on Dec 10 09 at 10:07 am

Sorry you are right about the blame, my apologies!!!

dp commented on Dec 10 09 at 10:41 am

I don't think his story was that far fetched. He spent time with the girl, he talked with her, developed a rapport over a couple of days, and didn't immediately try to get into her pants. If there's mutual attraction, why wouldn't it lead to sex? What was disappointing was that his goal seemed to be more about going back to the states with a story to tell than having a meaningful encounter with another human.

wbr commented on Dec 21 09 at 7:17 am

u will get what u expect eventually if u remain enthusiastic long enough. as someone already said, the difference is what u

op commented on Dec 21 09 at 12:35 pm

You're Portuguese sucks, dude.

SW commented on Dec 28 09 at 5:38 pm

To last person: It's not "you're", it's "your".

BH commented on Dec 28 09 at 5:39 pm

Aprenda melhor a gram

BL commented on Dec 28 09 at 5:44 pm

Should have been a semi colon and not a colon. You should also have said to "the" last person. That's if we are going to pontificate in terms of the Queen's English.

Bj commented on Jan 27 10 at 9:29 pm

Kinda of sad. Really. I

Lu commented on Feb 06 10 at 1:49 pm

Brazil is a very big cuntry, here you will not find just one kind of girl. You will find gils that are willing to get lay in the first time, and gils that wand to get married virgens. The foring guys usualy get the wrong image because we use small clothes and have a good bodytybe but isn't because of that that we will have sex with everybody. We are huggers, we love hug, kiss, talk, make friends. this is what brasilians are. Now sex is other kind of intimaci, we will just have when we are ready and if somebody worth. On the firs, 2nd, 3th 50th date... or maybe never!

juli commented on Feb 12 10 at 5:34 pm

Your Portuguese is awful.

GL commented on Feb 13 10 at 8:41 am

You really don`t know anything about Brasil. What you know, is what everyone that not lives here thinks. Everyone says that we, brazilian girls, are so sexies, poor, that is very easy to take us to bed...and is not. We are just womens, we work, have fun, get out too, normal girls. Yes, we like to kiss a lot of guys, but we just have sex with them if we really want to do this, if we felt confortable. We are humans, we have fellings and I think that this stupid things that strangers said about my country came from xenophobia.

DL commented on Feb 13 10 at 12:54 pm

I´m brazilian and when i read this kind of expirience i get so fun!! Brazilian girls really likes to provoke and talk abour sexy themes...
But to take us for bed is necessary MUCH MORE than just came here... Good luck guys!!

Gabi commented on Feb 19 10 at 9:15 am

ok, brazil is cool, america is cool, this dude wrote a story... nice

Marc commented on Apr 22 10 at 4:46 am

Also, just curious, but do the brazilians take offense to this story? im american but it seems like some don't see it as a guy just telling a story.. like they become offended by what he said.. was it a real story or fiction??

Marc commented on Apr 22 10 at 4:50 am

Wow, that post more stupid, as someone who leaves his country to have sex with Brazil?? I mean you guys are so much worse than us.

Name commented on Apr 22 10 at 6:06 pm

Brazil does not need peoples like you and do not be messing our image.

Name commented on Apr 22 10 at 6:08 pm

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