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Last month I spent one Friday night sprawled topless on my bed while a guy named Joe twiddled my nipples until I came over and over again. My eyes rolled back in my head and my whole body bucked and twisted as he squeezed and rolled and flicked. "Oh my God," Joe kept saying, as I moaned and clawed at the sheets, "I can't believe you can do this."

My super-erogenous nipples have always been something of a shock to men, and my ability to orgasm based solely on their stimulation is seen as some kind of bizarre talent, like those people who can touch their tongue to their nose, or girls who are double-jointed. My ex-boyfriend used to idly flick one of my nips while we lay in bed in the morning, and when I winced, my back arching in an involuntary spasm of pleasure, he would raise his eyebrows and say, "Really?" his Doubting-Thomas tone unmistakable. "Yes," I'd tell him, feeling defensive. But what I meant was, Yes. Yes!

My breasts arrived right on time in sixth grade, and within two years they had grown into their full, glorious DD cup. From the start it was clear that I was supposed to be self-conscious about my boobs, hiding my bras and complaining to my friends about how embarrassing it was to find guys staring at my chest, but secretly I rejoiced in my buxom bounty. My body seemed to get everything wrong — I was too short, too round, too muscular — but finally my Eastern-European roots were smiling on me. Big, beautiful breasts. Thank God.

Those same Eastern-European roots provided a significant drawback. When I was in fifth grade I first heard the word lumpectomy in a conversation between my mother and my grandmother, who was about to undergo the procedure. I learned all kinds of other words that summer, including radiation, chemotherapy, and biopsy.

Finally my Eastern-European roots were smiling on me. Big, beautiful breasts. Thank God.

On spelling tests that year we were asked to choose a difficult word we found in the dictionary or in our everyday lives and add it to the pre-assigned spelling lists. So I was ten when I learned how to spell bilateral mastectomy, though I had no idea what it meant.

My grandmother's breast cancer was treated effectively, and for a solid decade my breasts were an unadulterated joy. Sometimes my friends would complain about the frustrations of having huge boobs, and though I could sympathize to a degree, none of the downsides ever seemed that bad to me. Yes, bras and especially sports bras were difficult to find and very expensive, but it was a price I was willing to pay for the advantages of having my DDs.

When I was twenty-two I got my right nipple pierced. My friends were getting tattoos on their lower backs, but I couldn't imagine picking a design I'd have to live with for the rest of my life. The silver barbell I chose was my little punk-rock secret, never failing to elicit a gasp from the men I brought home. Sometimes guys would ask if it hurt to get it pierced, and I answered honestly: a little, but it was worth it.

That same year my aunt had an abnormal mammogram, and eventually she had a lumpectomy followed by radiation. It was becoming increasingly clear that my genes were stacked against me in the breast-cancer department, but the news didn't seem all that bad. Breast cancer was highly treatable. Practically everyone I knew had an aunt or a grandmother or a mother who'd had breast cancer at some point, and most of them were fine. I bought things with pink ribbons on them in October to be supportive. My aunt went into remission.

At twenty-three I started doing yoga every day and finally discovered one of the real disadvantages to having big breasts: while doing inverted poses, my boobs hung in front of my face making it difficult to take deep yogic breaths. My yoga teacher blushed when I explained my problem. "I-I don't know what to suggest," he stammered. I experimented with blankets and blocks, but never found anything that made it much better.

I was sitting in my car after yoga one day when my mom called and told me she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I shivered uncontrollably while she explained that it had been caught early, she was sure she would be fine. Those words became a mantra in the weeks that followed. Caught early, she'll be fine, I always told people. She had more tests, and she and my dad met with surgeons and oncologists to plan the best course of action. They chose to do a somewhat complicated procedure — a bilateral mastectomy, followed immediately by reconstructive surgery using fat and skin from her stomach. A boob job and a tummy tuck, we joked with each other, and both were covered by insurance. What good luck!

Comments ( 33 )

wow. this was amazing
ja commented on Oct 26 09 at 9:05 am
JRB commented on Oct 26 09 at 10:43 am
This was really heavy. But amazing
IFC commented on Oct 26 09 at 11:50 am
My mother spent my whole life talking about her breasts and how she lucked out... she was diagnosed with breast cancer since past summer... it is so difficult to watch.
m commented on Oct 26 09 at 1:34 pm
thank you for sharing. i'm glad you are living with reckless abandon while you can!
mo commented on Oct 26 09 at 2:17 pm
I can also orgasm with nipple stimulation. My hubby doesn't do it much though, because, due to surgerys I'm lopsided. I hope to have surgery to fix this soon. I just hope I don't lose sensation in my nipples.
adg commented on Oct 26 09 at 3:53 pm
incredible story. thanks for sharing it.
yo commented on Oct 26 09 at 4:39 pm
I refuse to believe that any woman can reach orgasm strictly from stimulation of her nipples. I can't believe it. I wont believe it.
MM commented on Oct 27 09 at 8:24 am
"PLEASE" let me see for myself!
JBH commented on Oct 27 09 at 10:32 am
Whoa, do a lot of breasts come this sensitive?
MBY commented on Oct 27 09 at 10:39 am
I assume the "I can't believe it" is a joke. I mean, really? My husband come come from nipple stimulation alone. I'm not so lucky, but it's sure a neat trick for him! I have another friend who can come from having the right spot on her lower back massaged in the right way. I didn't believe that until I saw it happen by accident at a BDSM club. That was crazy. Lesson? The human body and human sexual response are really diverse. I mean, I can come with no stimulation at all. Most of us can./ They're called wet dreams. So why is it so weird that this also happens when you're awake and a body part that feels really good is being stimulated?
mpb commented on Oct 27 09 at 8:07 pm
"can come." Although "come come" would be interesting to see . . .
mpb commented on Oct 27 09 at 8:08 pm
this was amazing and heartbreaking and wonderful.
kel commented on Oct 27 09 at 8:15 pm
It's an amazing feat to get me reading something because I think it's going to be porn and then switch it up and make me all weepy and STILL leave me satisfied. Wowsers.
TL commented on Oct 27 09 at 9:16 pm
Great story! Just wishing there will be an article someday on small breasts *feels really left out after this article plus the 'I Did It For Science' one on large breasts*.Maybe i'm just in a bad mood after reading yet another article on breast implants where a woman is talking about how her small breasts made her feel 'less like a real woman'.
aj commented on Oct 27 09 at 11:30 pm
aj, smaller ones are more sensitive.
ml commented on Oct 28 09 at 11:08 am
Well written, thank you for sharing. As a guy with sensitive nipples I can relate to the electricity that runs from nipple to crotch. It's turned into a positive as my girlfriend knows that she can get me hard instantly just by sucking on my nipples. I consider it a blessing :) I'm glad you're not afraid to embrace the assets god gave you in light of what has happened.
TG commented on Oct 29 09 at 12:30 am
Life is a celebration and something special, Elisheva. Here's to your embracing your "heritage" and the sexuality and sensuality surrounding your breasts. I'm one male who openly supports breast cancer research, as should every heterosexual man should. I also support people who refuse to give in to fear. Keep your head high and your chest out!
DXXI commented on Oct 28 09 at 3:38 pm
Good for you for living your life, and for finding a positive outlet to deal with those yentas who suggested you have a prophylactic mastectomy in your twenties.
EM commented on Oct 28 09 at 5:16 pm
whats your number?
wrl commented on Oct 28 09 at 7:06 pm
you made me cry. thanks for sharing your story.
rck commented on Oct 28 09 at 8:31 pm
this was a powerful article somehow... you go elisheva. it's so awesome to see someone who truly embraces their whole self no matter what.
gc commented on Oct 28 09 at 9:32 pm
Powerful writing indeed. That such heavenly parts of the female anatomy can be harbingers of such trauma, and yet still have the power to turn my head from across the street, its amazing. You sound like a strong woman Elisheva, I'm glad to hear those breasts of yours are still giving you the plesure you deserve.
TH commented on Oct 28 09 at 9:42 pm
Beautiful!!! What a refreshing read - powerful, well-written and makes such a statement in so many ways. Thanks for the thought-provoking read, and of course sticking up for boobs.
BM commented on Oct 29 09 at 11:51 am
wonderfully written...this is a thousand times better then porn...and it makes sense and has a wonderful message!!! simply awesome!
rn commented on Oct 30 09 at 12:06 pm
now THIS is some good writing. bravo.... It's been a long time, Hooksexup.
MPC commented on Oct 30 09 at 12:36 pm
Thank-you, Elisheva, for sharing this with us. Know that current research suggests that diet plays a significant role in helping keep cancer at bay. Do your research, get some exercise (even just walking more) and up your intake of anti-oxidents. May you live a very long time and have many, many happy orgasms.
AM commented on Oct 30 09 at 10:25 pm
Your boobs are not "Wonder Boobs" just because they're DD -- women with small breasts can reach orgasm through breast stimulation, too. I'm tempted to tell you to get over yourself.
rdb commented on Nov 02 09 at 4:28 pm
Correction to previous post, "...through nipple stimulation."
rdb commented on Nov 02 09 at 4:30 pm
Powerful. Very powerful. I can relate 100% to loving my big tits and not being able to imagine enjoying sex to it's fullest without them. I too can come from breast and/or nipple stimulation (and so can my boyfriend - his are even more sensitive!). I honestly don't know what I'd decide to do if breast cancer ran in my family. And even though considering all of the options is prudent, I'm appalled that so many women in your life so casually suggest having them removed, just like that. And in your 20's! I applaud you for enjoying them while you're young, and for sharing a very personal story.
SS commented on Nov 06 09 at 5:58 pm
Just read this on AlterNet... Right now, I am 2 weeks away from having an excisional biopsy/lumpectomy to determine if my cancer has come back after 7 years in the clear. Like you, Elisheva, I love my breasts...The Twins, The Girls. I was fortunate enough to have caught the first cancer extremely early 7 years ago at age 33; though my mother was diagnosed 4 months later and was not so fortunate (double mastectomy, etc; and she is still alive). The 6 weeks of radiation therapy and 5 years on Tamoxifen weren't so bad, all things considered. I have spent the past 7 years thoroughly enjoying my 38Ds and flaunting them when I can, but the past few weeks have been something of a nightmare. Enjoy them - let others enjoy them too, if only to admire them. Ultimately, do whatever you need to do to stay healthy. Now, if I could only convince myself........
CMR commented on Nov 17 09 at 1:53 am
aWWww!!! dats realy touching story.... :-(
mmm commented on Dec 19 09 at 7:37 pm
a touching story
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb commented on Aug 15 10 at 7:35 am

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