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Talking to Strangers

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.



Amelia, 23

What do you do for a living?
I'm a translator.

What other language do you speak?
French. I was born in Seattle, but I grew up in France.

So, how are French guys different than American guys?
They're a lot more direct. If they sleep with you, they consider you their girlfriend. Here, you can have casual sex and it doesn't mean anything.

Do you have any favorite hook-up stories?
I don't have a crazy story. But in New York, you meet people from everywhere. I dated an Egyptian boxer.

What was he like?
I actually found out later he was married and had two kids.

How did you find out?
He said he didn't want to have sex because he was a very religious Muslim. So we didn't, but then later on he went back to Egypt for his boxing, and his friend told me, "Yeah, he's married and has two kids." I'm glad we didn't have sex.

That's crazy. There was no indication the whole time?
I was very surprised that he would still be a virgin at thirty, but he kind of looked like a virgin.

What do you mean?
When he talked about sex, he was so shy. He was blushing and looking away like a fourteen-year-old boy. I thought because he was so religious, maybe he really was waiting.




Gabriel, 30

What do you do for a living?
I own a travel company. We bring high-school students to different countries to do home stays and community service.

So, that's how you met your girlfriend?
Yeah, we traveled together for a month and were buddies before everything else. We didn't know it was going to develop into a relationship, so I told her all kinds of things I wouldn't usually disclose. She once asked me, "Have you ever had experience with premature ejaculation?" I thought about playing it cool and being like, "No, what in the world are you talking about?" But we were being super-honest.

Do you have any crazy ex-girlfriends?
I really don't. I kind of bloomed late, sexually. I kissed a girl for the first time when I was seventeen.

Well, do you have a favorite hook-up story?
It was my sophomore year in college, and I just didn't know the dynamics of a random hook-up. There was a senior who was pretty hot. I thought she was way out of my league, but she kept being really flirtatious. Finally one day she asked if I wanted to come back to her place with her. I was really nervous, and I told her, "Yeah, I do. I just have to run back to my dorm room and grab my toiletry kit." I was such a nerd that I didn't realize that you're not supposed to bring your toothbrush and your deodorant. It's not that kind of sleepover.

Right, right.
We were in bed afterwards, talking, and I totally spaced on her name. She realized pretty quickly, and she stormed into the bathroom and shut the door. That's where my toiletry kit was! And I wasn't going to leave without my nerdy mechanical toothbrush. I was freaking out. Finally, I looked around and found a stack of her mail with her name on it. I knocked on the bathroom door and apologized, and we ended up kind of dating for the rest of the semester. 




Chris, 25

Where's the craziest place you've had sex?
Either at work, or at a rest stop.

Where at work?
On my desk.

Are you serious?
It was crazy. This job was basically at a call center in Midtown. I was the last person in the office, and the missus and I were going to go out for a night on the town. She was downstairs waiting for me, but I asked her to come up for a few minutes. I was actually on the phone with a client while we were getting it on.

Do you have any favorite hook-up stories?
In college, I and a few of my friends were hanging out at this gas station, where they also served food. This girl was looking at us and mouthing something; it looked like she was saying, "Do you want to have a gang-bang?" I was like, "What? I'm really drunk right now!" She came over and was like, "Hey! What are you doing? You guys want to have a gang-bang?" Long story short, it was a great night.

Yeah, man. College is awesome. But it's weird now that I look back on it. Jesus, that's someone's daughter.

I'm trying to think what she could have been thinking.
She friended me on Facebook a couple months ago. She's married now, and she has a daughter.

Comments ( 18 )

I would go down on Lola

Ryan commented on May 27 10 at 2:04 am

I would go down on Lola and Amelia

l commented on May 27 10 at 3:43 am

I think Lola is a guy.

Schmoo commented on May 27 10 at 7:20 am

Also Chris is Alan Cummings' long-lost brother.

schmoo commented on May 27 10 at 7:21 am

He's Alan Cumming's sheepish long-lost brother.

@schmoo commented on May 27 10 at 9:22 am

Ok, I'm guessing Gabriel's GF isn't some HS girl he chaperoned, but it kind of sounds that way...

Hooksexupsystem commented on May 27 10 at 10:04 am

I've got to love that Vanessa. She's pretty, and cute, and sexy and then she's innocently saying things like "Between relationships, I'd always come to him and he'd always be available and willing," as if she's surprised that he'd want to do it with a girl like her!! Whether she's being cute or coy, doesn't matter, gotta love it.

Ed H commented on May 27 10 at 11:33 am

Gabriel makes me feel awkward for him with that toiletry kit story. Shudder.

Little Fiend commented on May 27 10 at 11:39 am

Vanessa is, without doubt, the cutest ever to appear on this feature.

SK commented on May 27 10 at 11:43 am

Now Chris is black? Wait, I see, the picture for Chris is now Steve. Sheesh, Hooksexup, how can we make judgemental statements on these people based on their appearances if you keep moving their pics around!

Schmoo commented on May 27 10 at 11:53 am

Lola is kind of full of herself

AD commented on May 27 10 at 1:00 pm

"It's more important than cooking." Nice, Steve. Nice.

raay commented on May 27 10 at 1:59 pm

I think the toiletry story is incredibly endearing!

BH commented on May 27 10 at 2:31 pm

Gabriel is a Sutherland (Donald, Kiefer).

d5 commented on May 27 10 at 8:50 pm

"Jesus, that's someone's daughter." If they're old enough and consenting, why should it be a problem? As a parent, you might not be pleased to find out what your daughter is up to, but that seems like her business, not yours.

KS commented on May 27 10 at 10:36 pm

The best sex of her life? With a condom? She must never have had a health-trustworthy lover - and how can a Dr, not have access to reliable non-intrusive contraception? How sad.

Sorry but.... commented on May 28 10 at 7:08 am

Well it actually makes even more sex that she uses condoms if she's a doctor...And I tell you, being protected makes you enjoy sex more as you don't imagine what STDs you could get.

Shrude commented on May 28 10 at 8:16 am

Haha I meant to say "makes more sense"!!!

Shrude commented on May 28 10 at 8:16 am

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