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by Mia Donovan

There was a time when I went out every night to see bands play. Something about the music and the booze and the presence of so many hot twenty-two-year-old sons of cattle ranchers made those nights seem steeped in potential. By the light of day, plenty of the guys were louts, and I was always hungover, but still the bars, and those guys, held a beyond-magnetic attraction for years.

Montreal-based photographer Mia Donovan shoots her lusty, pretty images of hot young rock guys, some of whom are in bands like the Unicorns, Diamonds and Starving Hungry, in seedy places like pay-by-the-hour motels. In doing so, she somehow capture both the night and the day of rock guydom ‹ the lust and the leers, the drunkenness and the hangover and the excitement. Each image is an excellent reason for staying out past closing time. — Ada Calhoun

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