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After Hours
by Lauren Lancaster

The only way to steel oneself against the winds whipping around the caverns of Wall Street is to take refuge in a trench coat and a steady dose of male bonding. Such is the message of this insightful, haunting series by Lauren Lancaster, who met the stockbrokers through a friend who works in finance, on the street, in the subway, and at a downtown bar popular with the Street crowd after the markets close. She spent three months following them around while in the photojournalism program at ICP, and is still in touch with everyone she worked with because she plans to continue the project indefinitely.

The series catches powerful money men, strong and well-groomed, looking overly serious and terminally lost when off-guard and on their own. It's only around each other, watching basketball or wrestling, embracing drunk women, hanging out half-naked together among beer cans and empty Chinese-food containers, that they seem happiest and most alive.

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