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Commentarium (5 Comments)

Feb 03 07 - 2:25pm

one of my favorite Hooksexup galleries ever.

Jan 01 07 - 8:16pm

I have to say this one missed its mark wide.


I usually love the photography here but the double panes didn't add up to much beyone a slight suggestion of one another.

Dec 31 06 - 8:55am

just really beautiful. thank you.

Dec 30 06 - 2:38am

Agreed. Hooray, Hooksexup Premium, you're back on track!

Dec 29 06 - 7:07pm

ya know, i like these diptychs. i love photography that manages to be graphic without being simpleminded, and beautiful without being pretensious or self consciously arty. turning people on just aint that tough; turning them on while making them think or at least observe, on the other hand, takes some doing. thank you for that.